- Develop 2 microservices (any language) that communicates with one another using gRPC.
- Lets say: a. 1st Microservice: M1 b. 2nd Microservice: M2
- M1 is a client facing microservice that exposes a simple REST endpoint to input a message from the user in JSON format.
- M1 then relays the received message to M2 by communicating over gRPC.
- M2 then stores this message either in a local storage (say file based storage) or uses a remote database. (either one is ok)
- After storage, M2 then integrates with a sample Slack app and sends this message(received from M1) to any one of the slack channels.
- Feel free to Create your own slack app for demo purposes
- Slack API documentation: https://api.slack.com/
Slack Url: https://digiretailworkspace.slack.com/
Email Id: [email protected]
Live URL -> https://digiretail.herokuapp.com/
JOIN LINK: https://join.slack.com/t/digiretailworkspace/shared_invite/zt-g38orkci-WzEI72VXtzf4pMsbi7DH1g