This repository is a collection of different approaches to use docker and docker-compose together with OpenMage.
This Setup is approaching setting up a demo store in a simplified approach, which does not have the intend to be used for development.
This setup makes use of the docker container jwilder/nginx-proxy which is used to easy map Domains to containers. You will also need to point www.openmage.test to localhost.
starting up and installing OpenMage afterwards
docker-compose -f compose/static_demo/docker-compose.yaml up -d
docker-compose -f compose/static_demo/docker-compose.yaml exec php-fpm /usr/local/bin/magerun install --dbHost="db" --dbUser="magento" --dbPass="magento" --dbName="magento" --installSampleData=yes --useDefaultConfigParams=yes --magentoVersionByName="openmage-lts-1.9.4.x" --installationFolder="/var/www/" --baseUrl="http://www.openmage.test/"
in compose/development_sftp
you find a simple example which can be used for development.
Instead of mounting volumes or special sync solutions,
it is just providing an sftp server which can be used by all common IDEs.
For details how to work with, configure it, and customize the sftp container, please look into
currently the container does expose itself directly on port 22 and does not go through the nginx-proxy, so you cant have multiple of them running yet.
rebuild php-fpm package
docker-compose -f compose/static_demo/docker-compose.yaml up --build php-fpm