Script to install and use ollama, open webui, big-AGI, fastsdcpu, llamacpp, Automatic 1111, exo and text-generation-webui oobabooga from termux
*Added support for fastsdcpu, the first time generating an image will take long because it needs to download the models, check the original repo to use different models
Automatic 1111 will also start the API by default so you are able to use it with SDAI app and the webui.
- Clone the repo and give execution permissions to the script:
chmod +x
- Execute the installer:
The installer will use two different proot distros, one for ollama named "ollama" and another one for the UI's called "ui", it will use conda for the installation of open webui, oobabooga and fastsdcpu. Llamacpp will be installed on termux HOME folder, do not move the folder. The user can choose what they want to install from a simple menu
Just execute the to start and stop the servers. Exposing servers, edit the script: Ollama: Find this part: pd login ollama -- bash -c "ollama serve" & And change it for this: pd login ollama -- bash -c "export OLLAMA_HOST= && ollama serve" & Fastsdcpu: change pd login ui -- bash -c "cd fastsdcpu && bash" & to pd login ui -- bash -c "export GRADIO_SERVER_NAME= && cd fastsdcpu && bash" & Big-AGI change -H to -H Text-generation-webui oobabooga add --listen after "--listen-port 7861" Automatic 1111: This is a little more tricky. pd login --user auto ui nano stable-diffusion-webui/ look for the line that says export COMMANDLINE_ARGS="--port 7865 --api --use-cpu all --precision full --no-half --skip-torch-cuda-test" add --listen behind --port 7865 ctrl X to save big-AGI: localhost:8081 open-webui: localhost:8082 oobabooga: localhost:7861 ollama: localhost:11434 fastsdcpu: localhost:7860 Automatic 1111: localhost:7865
pd remove ollama && pd remove ui && pd remove exo && rm -rf ~/llama.cpp
pd login --user auto ui cd stable-diffusion-webui/models Download your models using wget and put them in the required folder
ollama open webui fastsdcpu big-AGI text-generation-webui oobabooga llamacpp Automatic 1111 exo