Skillfactory FPW homework
Web-application example to show Django framework possibilities.
1. Description
2. Case to solve
3. Quick start
5. Result
6. Conclusions
Five models with connections created and some requests applied using Django Shell.
Django server runs with templates, views, filters and tags. Getting accustomed to some built-in classes and libraries. /posts/ pages with posts are added.
Filtration and pagination at posts list, edit, update and delete post are realised.
Identification, authentication and authorization are applied.
Signals, commands, logging, schedule.
Sending e-mails.
Synchronous and asynchronous task execution. Redis & Celery. Sending e-mails by schedule.
Custom commands for command line.
Admin panel customization.
Customize logs at
Localization and internationalization.
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- Create relational database and work with it through Django Shell.
- Make views of the whole model elements in tab and of the every element as well with ListView and DetailView generics. Apply filters and tags.
- Create 'censor' filter.
- html-code to work at templates with views and forms.
- GET and POST parameters at HTTP-requests.
- DeleteView, UpdateView, CreateView generics.
- ModelForm, SignupForm.
- LoginRequiredMixin, PermissionRequiredMixin. Customization.
- Two different ways to register and log in: full and via e-mail/social account.
- Add users to different groups via admin and registration. Exclusive permissions via admin and user upgrade.
- Check user permissions at views and templates.
- Registration with confirmation.
- Sending e-mails by signals, by schedule.
- Dynamic permissions.
- Allauth library to sign in and log in.
- Asynchronous task to send email after event.
- Raise the task and send email by schedule without main process interruption.
- Different scenarios of caching.
- Custom console command via class Command.
- Custom admin panel models views with fields to display, filters, search and additional actions.
- Send logs to console, files, e-mail depending on levels and loggers.
- Add choice of language. Translate static elements and models.
- Flatpages translation.
- Add choice of time zone and work with current time.
- Use Django Rest Framework.
Practice to
- describe models,
- create database,
- input data to database,
- fill connections between tables,
- receive data from connected tables,
- create views with generics,
- work with templates,
- routing,
- create own filters and tags,
- combine filtration and pagination on one page,
- add forms to edit and update objects, delete objects.
- add different registration views and apply extra functionality at them.
- close add/change/delete views from users without permissions.
- open navigation in templates for users with permissions only.
- work with permissions at admin panel.
- add subscribe/unsubscribe with e-mail confirmation.
- filter events and subscribers.
- add jobs, postponed and periodic jobs.
- close, redirect irrelevant urls at views, templates and navigation.
- organize task queue on Redis server.
- cope with task queue by Celery.
- cache temporary the whole view and parts of templates.
- cache objects between savings.
- console command to show posts names by selected category.
- admin panel model display: model fields and properties at the table, filters by category and other m2m, m2o fields, search by related fields.
- action to add or diminish rating of post or comment with following author rating update.
- customize logs records at dictionary describing loggers, handlers, filters and formatters.
- filter events by level to adjust formatting at handlers.
- widgets for language and timezone at navbar.
- color of pages depending on the time of the day.
- gettext to translate text at .py files and templates.
- modeltranslation to translate dynamic part (from models).
- flatpages and modeltranslation - details of migrations.
- viewsets for Comment model and its reverse relationship models by means of Django Rest Framework with Urls.
- authentication at app and views, filtration, pagination.
⬆️ to content
Platform-depending options and libraries (like Celery) are adjusted to Windows.
Clone repository
git clone
At the upper NewsPaper directory create, start and adjust virtual environment
python -m venv npvenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
Generate Django secret-key
python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'
At the inner NewsPaper directory (project dir) add venv/settings.env file for private settings
EMAIL_HOST = '' # mail server address
EMAIL_PORT = # smtp port of server
E-mail data should be filled for send-email functions.
Start server
python runserver
Main page works at url
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All input to Django Shell at HomeWork_D2.txt
News Portal updated, new pages added.
Admin panel updated.
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Django is a powerful instrument to compose browser apps with well done helpful documentation. You should spend time to get accustomed, but it worth.
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