French Developper on PhP, Java and Python
Developper of plugins on the API of PocketMine-MP
Student at Efrei PARIS
Platynium Network
- France
- platynium.fr
- platynium_network
- channel/UCzXPw9vAB4ex7DmCh52WftQ
- @PlatyniumF
Moonly Minecraft: Bedrock Edition client.
Make your own custom brand new Items and crafts !
An advanced (brush) world editing plugin for PocketMine-MP
Most advanced factions plugin for PocketMine-MP
Blobs of data generated from Minecraft: Bedrock Edition used by PocketMine-MP
An event driven, highly customizable plugin to add Scoreboards on your Minecraft Bedrock Server.
Custom server software for Minecraft: Bedrock, built from scratch in PHP, C and C++
PHP library for working with the NBT (Named Binary Tag) data storage format, as designed by Mojang.