Golang MQTT Broker, Version 3.1.1, and Compatible for eclipse paho client and mosquitto-client
Download: click here
$ go get github.com/fhmq/hmq
$ cd $GOPATH/github.com/fhmq/hmq
$ go run main.go
Usage of ./hmq:
-w int
worker num to process message, perfer (client num)/10. (default 1024)
-worker int
worker num to process message, perfer (client num)/10. (default 1024)
-h string
Network host to listen on. (default "")
-host string
Network host to listen on. (default "")
-p string
Port to listen on. (default "1883")
-port string
Port to listen on. (default "1883")
-c string
config file for hmq
-config string
config file for hmq
-cluster string
Cluster ip from which members can connect.
-cluster_listen string
Cluster ip from which members can connect.
-cluster_port string
Cluster port from which members can connect.
-cp string
Cluster port from which members can connect.
-r string
Router who maintenance cluster info
-router string
Router who maintenance cluster info
-ws_path string
path for ws to listen on
-ws_port string
port for ws to listen on
-wspath string
path for ws to listen on
-wsport string
port for ws to listen on
"workerNum": 4096,
"port": "1883",
"host": "",
"cluster": {
"host": "",
"port": "1993"
"router": "",
"wsPort": "1888",
"wsPath": "/ws",
"wsTLS": true,
"tlsPort": "8883",
"tlsHost": "",
"tlsInfo": {
"verify": true,
"caFile": "tls/ca/cacert.pem",
"certFile": "tls/server/cert.pem",
"keyFile": "tls/server/key.pem"
Supports QOS 0 and 1
Cluster Support
Supports retained messages
Supports will messages
Queue subscribe
Websocket Support
TLS/SSL Support
Flexible ACL
1, start router for hmq (https://github.com/fhmq/router.git)
2, config router in hmq.config ("router": "")
| Prefix | Examples |
| ------------- |---------------------------------|
| $queue/ | mosquitto_sub -t ‘$queue/topic’ |
Allow | type | value | pubsub | Topics
## type clientid , username, ipaddr
##pub 1 , sub 2, pubsub 3
## %c is clientid , %u is username
allow ip 2 $SYS/#
allow clientid 0001 3 #
allow username admin 3 #
allow username joy 3 /test,hello/world
allow clientid * 1 toCloud/%c
allow username * 1 toCloud/%u
deny clientid * 3 #
#allow local sub $SYS topic
allow ip 2 $SYS/#
#allow client who's id with 0001 or username with admin pub sub all topic
allow clientid 0001 3 #
allow username admin 3 #
#allow client with the username joy can pub sub topic '/test' and 'hello/world'
allow username joy 3 /test,hello/world
#allow all client pub the topic toCloud/{clientid/username}
allow clientid * 1 toCloud/%c
allow username * 1 toCloud/%u
#deny all client pub sub all topic
deny clientid * 3 #
Client match acl rule one by one
--------- --------- ---------
Client -> | Rule1 | --nomatch--> | Rule2 | --nomatch--> | Rule3 | -->
--------- --------- ---------
| | |
match match match
\|/ \|/ \|/
allow | deny allow | deny allow | deny
High throughput
High concurrency
Low memory and CPU
- Apache License Version 2.0