tested on Mac with docker version: 4.12.0, Engine: 20.10.17, Compose: v2.10.2
optional requirements:
# (in default go path ~/go/bin/gaiad)
otherwise, just run the following command for gaiad:
Gaia version:
name: gaia
server_name: gaiad
version: v7.0.3
commit: d0884c29aac4c1e647b0a82f3df31515d2bd06a3
build_tags: netgo,ledger
go: go version go1.18.2 darwin/amd64
Cosmos-based projects contains the gaiad tx distribution withdraw-rewards
and gaiad tx distribution withdraw-rewards --commission
command to withdraw your rewards via a manual triggered transaction.
There are several automatic withdraw / auto compound projects like
Restake uses the authz module and an additional service for validators to withdraw rewards.
In this project I implemented withdraw rewards directly into chain app. After staking/delegating you'll be able to watch your account balance increasing at every block. You don't need to enter manually gaiad tx distribution withdraw-rewards
and gaiad tx distribution withdraw-rewards --commission
command any more.
This is a showcase project and it setups a local testnet in docker on your machine.
The withdrawing code isn't released here, but you can use my "gaiad" binary in bin/
folder to play with and test it :)
In this folder:
or alternatively:
docker compose up -d
Test it and type in your cli in this project dir: First cmd:
gaiad q bank balances cosmos1hk06zl6krdnamxljwheq7372kf5g6688gmdhc3
Second cmd:
gaiad tx staking delegate cosmosvaloper1gddnzwdchpp24446k55tdhctfmjsg6ls947g7p 10000000stake --from tl --home app-home/ --keyring-backend test --chain-id autostake
Repeat this cmd to see changes:
gaiad q bank balances cosmos1hk06zl6krdnamxljwheq7372kf5g6688gmdhc3
or alternatively:
Test it and type in your cli in this project dir: First cmd:
./bin/gaiad-v7.0.3-darwin-amd64 q bank balances cosmos1hk06zl6krdnamxljwheq7372kf5g6688gmdhc3
Second cmd:
./bin/gaiad-v7.0.3-darwin-amd64 tx staking delegate cosmosvaloper1gddnzwdchpp24446k55tdhctfmjsg6ls947g7p 10000000stake --from tl --home app-home/ --keyring-backend test --chain-id autostake
Repeat this cmd to see changes:
./bin/gaiad-v7.0.3-darwin-amd64 q bank balances cosmos1hk06zl6krdnamxljwheq7372kf5g6688gmdhc3
or alternatively:
docker compose down
Chain-id: autostake
Test Validator operator address (e.x. for staking): cosmosvaloper1gddnzwdchpp24446k55tdhctfmjsg6ls947g7p
Test Validator account with name bl and address: cosmos1gddnzwdchpp24446k55tdhctfmjsg6lsqp2ajj
and 1000000000000stake
Test User account with name tl and address: cosmos1hk06zl6krdnamxljwheq7372kf5g6688gmdhc3
and 1000000000000stake
RPC on your local machine: http://localhost:26657
You can use the existing accounts to send coins/balances to your or other newly created accounts.
For gaiad logs run: docker compose logs -f