The OneDrive PowerShell module is available via If you want to support and work with me feel free to make changes cloning this repo, change and send me and a pull request.
This OneDrive version (2.0.0 and higher in supports:
- OneDrive personal
- OneDrive for Business
Version 2.2.8
- Change: Update of the meta data
Version 2.2.6
- Change: A endpoint change from Microsoft regarding OneDrive personnel is adapted to avoid the error: "AADSTS70011: The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The scope '' is not configured for this tenant" for a refresh token
Version 2.2.5
- Change: A endpoint change from Microsoft regarding OneDrive personnel is adapted to avoid the error: "AADSTS70011: The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid. The scope '' is not configured for this tenant"
Version 2.2.4
- Bugfix: Cannot access a path on a remote/shared drive
Version 2.2.1
- Upload support for larger files: Add-ODItemLarge Typically files larger then 10 MBytes. Uploading this files is not stable with the standard upload process used by Add-ODItem. Thanks to Benke Tamás ([email protected]) for sharing this function
Version 2.2.0
- Downloaded files keeping their time stamps from know Bevor: A downloaded file get the current time as time stamp (created at)
Open PowerShell and
Install-Module -Name OneDrive -Scope CurrentUser -force
You can update the module to a newer version with the same command (-force). After that you have to restart your PowerShell session. If you don’t use PowerShellGet currently, go to the Gallery on and click "Get Started".
Check your installation with
Get-Help -Name OneDrive
Before you start using the OneDrive module you have register your script/application. This differs depending on the OneDrive version to be used.
Go to: and login with your Microsoft Account (MSA). Click on "Applications from personal account" to manage your personal app registrations.
- Click on "New Registration". Add the following configurations:
- A name
- Check "Personal Microsoft Account only"
- Select "Web" as Redirect URI
- Enter http://localhost/login as the URI for redirection
- Click on "Register"
Goto "Certificates and secrets". Click on "New client secret" and click "Add". Please copy the value (not the secret id) for later use. The value is the AppKey in the OneDrive module.
Goto Authentication and tick the box "ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)"
Goto "API permissions" -> Add a permission -> Microsoft Graph and select "Files.ReadWrite.All"
Goto "Overview" and copy the Application (client) ID for later use
You now have all necessary data for your app / script:
- Client Id: 5dd40b03-0ead-451b-b5e3-f704550e8cca
- AppKey: xqacs8K92MuCJKgciRHQ1Cf
- RedirectURI: http://localhost/login
To get an authentication token use:
$Auth=Get-ODAuthentication -ClientID 5dd40b03-0ead-451b-b5e3-f704550e8cca -AppKey "xqacs8K92MuCJKgciRHQ1Cf" -RedirectURI http://localhost/login
Hint: If you create the application in the Azure Portal, make sure to edit the manifest. Change the following values:
"signInAudience": "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount",
"tags": [
​ "supportsConvergence:true",
​ "availableToOtherTenants:true",
​ "accessTokenVersion:1",
​ "appModelVersion:2"
"tokenEncryptionKeyId": null,
"verifiedPublisher": {
​ "displayName": null,
​ "verifiedPublisherId": null,
​ "addedDateTime": null
To use OneDrive for business you have to register your script/app to in Azure Active Directory
Add an application in Azure Active Directory inside the Azure portal:
Chose "New registration"
Give your application a name and configure the redirect URI. The sign-on URL has to be a valid URL but doesn't have to exist. E.g.: http://localhost/1Drive4Business (make later sure that this url is in the reply url list of your application)
Click "Register" to create the Azure application.
Next go to "Authentication" and enable "ID tokens" - Save the change
Click on API permissions and add the following permissions:
Azure Active Directory Graph - Delegated permission - User.Read
- SharePoint - Delegated permission - MyFilesRead
- SharePoint - Delegated permission - MyFilesWrite
Generate a secrete key for this application and save it for later use. Also save the application Id
You should now have the following parameter:
- Client Id: 2831fc52-e1b8-4493-9f3a-a3dad74b2081
- RedirectURI:
Additionally you need the resource URL for OneDrive for Business. Normally: In our company this is the URL "" (the last one / is important).
- Resource ID:
To get an authentication token use:
$Auth=Get-ODAuthentication -ClientId "2831fc52-e1b8-4493-9f3a-a3dad74b2081" -AppKey "TqoSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=" -RedirectURI "" -ResourceId ""
An access token is 1 hour valid. You can get a new access token with the refresh token provided by the last authentication. This is necessary if you are creating a script that will work for a long time without further user input. Renew your access token automatically in the program code.
$Auth=Get-ODAuthentication -ClientId "2831fc52-e1b8-4493-9f3a-a3dad74b2081" -AppKey "TqoSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=" -RedirectURI "" -ResourceId "" -RefreshToken $LastAuth.refresh_token
- Where $LastAuth is your last authentication result (containing the refresh token)
- For OneDrive personal leave the ResourceId empty (-ResourceId "")
Get an authentication code from above and store it in $Auth
Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -path "/"
Remove-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -path "/Upload"
New-ODFolder -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -path "/" -FolderName "Upload"
Add-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -LocalFile "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Uploads\IoT Workshop.pptx" -Path "/Upload"
Add-ODItemLarge -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -LocalFile "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Uploads\IoT Workshop.mp4" -Path "/Upload"
Get-ODDrives -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId ""
Get-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -Path "/Upload/Doings.txt" -LocalPath "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Downloads"
Get-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -Path "/Upload/Doings.txt" -LocalPath "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Downloads" -LocalFileName "Copy from OneDrive.Doings.txt"
Hint: From version 2.2 downloaded files keep their timestamp.
Remove-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -Path "/Upload/Doings.txt"
Sometimes you have files and folders shared by someone others. You can list this files and download it to your local computer. To access shared files and other OneDrive drives / SharePoint edit your application permission: Add "Read items and all site collection" below application permission to access shared files and other OneDrive drives
$sharedFiles=Get-ODSharedItems -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId ""
$sharedFiles | Select-Object -Property Name,size,folder
$sharedFile=$sharedFiles[17] # element 17; has to be a file - not a folder
Get-ODItem -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId "" -ElementId $ -DriveId $sharedFile.remoteItem.parentReference.driveId
This can be a shared folder from a user or from SharePoint
$sharedFolder=$sharedFiles[1] # where element 1 is a folder shared with you
Add-ODItem -AccessToken $at -ResourceId $resourceIdGiven -LocalFile "D:\DEV\PowerShell\PowerShellGallery-OneDrive\Test\Uploads\Doings.txt" -DriveId $sharedFolder.remoteItem.parentReference.driveId -ElementId $sharedFolder.Id
Copy files recursively from OneDrive to a local folder
function Transfer-Files ($path)
$Content=@(Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $at -ResourceId $resourceIdGiven -Path $path)
$CountFiles=@($Content|where {!$_.folder}).count
$CountFolders=@($Content|where {$_.folder}).count
if ($Verbose) {write-host("Current folder: '"+$path+"' (contains folders/files: "+$CountFolders+"/"+$CountFiles+")")}
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
foreach ($entry in $content)
if ($entry.folder)
if ($Verbose) {write-host ("Found folder '"+$"'")}
if ($Verbose) {write-host ("Create local folder '"+$NewLocalPath+"'")}
if (!$demo) {New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $NewLocalPath -force | out-null}
} else
if ($Verbose) {write-host("Download file "+$ " to "+$LocalPath)}
if (!$demo) {$ReturnCode=Get-ODItem -AccessToken $at -ResourceId $resourceIdGiven -ElementID $ -LocalPath $LocalPath}
Transfer-Files "\Working Folder\Data Analytics"
write-host ("Number of files: "+$global:AllFiles)
write-host ("Number of folders: "+$global:AllFolders)
write-host ("Bytes transfered: {0:N0}" -f $global:Size)
$Drives=Get-ODDrives -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId ""
$Drives=Get-ODDrives -AccessToken $Auth.access_token -ResourceId ""
Get-ODChildItems -AccessToken $at -ResourceId $resourceIdGiven -DriveId $Drives[0].id -Path "/Profilbilder"
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