This repository is a series of tests build on the Robot Framework ( for performing a series of tests on SME Server (
There are some further instructions on how to operate these tests in SME Server here
The current status of these test suites is that it mainly excersize the server manager pages and are able to access the server under test using SSH and FTP but at this stage there is not a lot of real testing going on.
We hope to expand on that soon and would welcome contributions towards this (even if it is only some suggested test sequences).
Follow the instructions from to install the Robot Framework on the development machine where you run the tests from.
Assuming that after you installed the framwork you have the Python package installer 'pip' available, install the following additional robotframework libraries using 'pip':
pip install robotframework-selenium2library
pip install robotframework-ftplibrary
pip install robotframework-sshlibrary
git clone
There are a few minimal configuration parameters that need to be set to allow the Robot Framework to find your test server.
The "resource.robot" file in the top "sme" directory contains a number of variables and macros that are used by the test scripts.
The key ones that you need to change are:
${SERVER NAME} sme9-64
${VALID PASSWORD} Admin-Test-1234
Note that the URL must be same as the FQDN for the server, as it uses this as a test on the title of the logged server manager web page.
The tests assume that the ${SERVER NAME}.${SERVER DOMAIN} resolve to the correct IP of that server. I typically setup entries for test servers with a host name entry on my main server.
The tests are setup in an hierarchical fashion. To run all tests:
pybot sme
To run a subset of the tests use:
pybot sme/02__server-manager
or for the ftp tests:
pybot sme/03__remote_access/02__ftp/
and ssh by
pybot sme/03__remote_access/03__ssh/
It would be great if you could add and expand on these tests to build these tests towards a comprehensive acceptance test suite for SME Server releases.
There is a great description on GitHub for the process of contributing to a project: