Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or later ( Maven build tool ( PostgreSQL database server ( Installation:
Clone or download the project: Use Git or download the project ZIP file.
Create a PostgreSQL database: Follow your PostgreSQL server's instructions to create a database for your project. Note down the database name, username, and password.
Configure Open the src/main/resources/ file and update the following properties with your database credentials:
Usa el código con precaución.
Important: Replace <your_database_name>, <your_database_username>, and <your_database_password> with your actual values.
Running the Project:
Open a terminal/command prompt. Navigate to the project directory: Use the cd command to change directories. For example: Bash cd my-spring-boot-project Usa el código con precaución.
Run the application: Using Maven (recommended): Execute the following command:
Bash mvn spring-boot:run