A minimalistic dark Vim color scheme for GUI and Terminal. It is based on Srcery.
Put this in your .vimrc
to load the Vorange color scheme:
colorscheme vorange
To make the visual mode cursor work as intended put this in your .vimrc
The cursor should stop blinking and the selection should look like a 'long' cursor.
set guicursor+=v:vCursor
This color scheme can be configured by setting global variables before loading.
"disable italics
let g:vorange_italic = 0
"disable bold
let g:vorange_bold = 0
"disable underline
let g:vorange_underline=0
"disable undercurl
let g:vorange_undercurl=0
Currently color inversion cannot be disabled. Because of the lack of fallback this would make the cursor and visual mode invisible.
A fitting Airline theme is included! To activate, put this in your .vimrc
let g:airline_theme="vorange"