National University of " Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
- Kyiv, Ukraine
- https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1LHPpsXKGOKFOsdFF6_0qeUtR2sGzVqln
Binom-API Public
Bash scripts to receive data from Binom ad tracker with their API requests.
Voluum-API Public
Authorization via Voluum API. Getting the token. Making a basic report request. Transfer to GCS and BigQuery
python-bigquery Public
Forked from googleapis/python-bigqueryPython Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 16, 2021 -
Webscraping Public
Google Trends, Google Search & Twitter. Cleaning + Analysis
R UpdatedMar 15, 2021 -
Mathematics-of-Music Public
Forked from weeping-angel/Mathematics-of-MusicIn this project, I generated waves with different frequencies, built my own virtual piano, and synthesized & played a song. All of this was done from scratch using Numpy and Scipy packages in Python.
Python UpdatedOct 7, 2020 -
covid-notebooks Public
Forked from CODAIT/covid-notebooksJupyter notebooks that analyze COVID-19 time series data
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 17, 2020 -
CognitivePortrait Public
Forked from CloudAdvocacy/CognitivePortraitCognitive Portrait Challenge
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedSep 14, 2020 -
ProgrammingAssignment2 Public
Forked from rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera
R UpdatedAug 18, 2014 -
swirl_courses Public
Forked from swirldev/swirl_coursesA collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package.
R Other UpdatedAug 11, 2014 -
datasharing Public
Forked from jtleek/datasharingThe Leek group guide to data sharing
UpdatedNov 25, 2013