Create a web interface where you can ask your way to Mr GrandPy Bot. This nice old man will answer you with a little story about the place and give you the location with a map from google maps !
Nostalgic of the discussions you had with your grandpa, the application GrandPy Bot is made for you! Don't forget...the interaction between the user and GrandPy is in french.
Is in charge of the dialog view: Send user queries and receive the information for the answers of GrandPy. From the web interface:
- The user enter is query and press enter button. The query is displayed on the dialog area.
- The sleeping face of GrandPy turns into a thinking face.
- The answers of GrandPy are then displayed below the user query in the dialog area.
Is in charge of the identification of the searched place, the localisation and the place descripiton: Process the query sending from the user (client part) and research the different informations of the answer of GrandPy.
- Analyse the user query
- Request GoogleMaps API to find an address and the coordinates to display a map.
- Request MediaWiki API to get few lines from a wiki page concerning a part of the user query.
- Create the answer of GrandPy depending of the request results.
- Python 3.8.2 and its framework Flask
- Responsiv design with Bootstrap
- Dynamic update of the application view with AJAX function
- Test driven development
- GoogleMaps: in order to get an address from the user input and display a map.
- MediaWiki: in order to have information about the user input so that GrandPy can tell a little story.
- Python must be installed.
- Virtualenv Module too, otherwise:
- pip install virtualenv
1- Clone this repository: git clone
2- Create a virtualenv in P7_GrandPy-Bot: virtualenv -p python3 env
3- Activate the virtualenv:
Linux & MacOS user: source pb_env\bin\activate
Windows user: pb_env\Scripts\activate
4- Install the required libraries list in the requirements.txt file: pip install -r requirements.txt
6- Create a .env file in root of the repository. Write in it your GoogleMaps API Key:
7. Careful that the name of your api is the same in, in and index.html
7- Run the program on your terminal:
By default, after running the application will be accessible here:
The application is deployed on Heroku:
If you want to deployed the app on heroku too, you must create 2 API keys, one for the front which will be retrain to your site, and one for the back which will not be retrain.
The program counts 3 classes: QueryParser, Maps and Wiki.
Methods to clean the user input
- normalize_query(): lower the letter, remove accent and punctuations.
- parser_words(): remove stop words in order to have a kind of filter to keep the most indicative part. Get a clean query !
Method to request the GoogleMaps API
- call_maps() : call the api with the clean query. From the json response, get coordinates and address. If 'status error' in the json respon, assign coordinates and address corresponding to a place for GrandPy holidays.
Method to request the MediaWiki API
- wiki_api_call(): call the api with the clean query and get json respons.
Methods to define the parameters of the request
- get_description_page_wiki(): parameters to get a description of a wiki page.
- get_url_page_wiki(): parameters to get the url of the wiki page used for the description.
Functions to create instances from the QueryParser, Maps and Wiki classes.
- analyse_question(), data_apis() Functions to create GrandPy's answers depending on the api responses.
- create_first_answer(), create_second_answer() Function to create a dictionnary with all the informations useful to send back to the client part.
- answer_dictionnary()
The user enter in the input form a question about a place he would like to localise:
"Hello GrandPy! Est-ce-que tu connais l'adresse de l'aquarium Océanopolis à Brest?"
The user input will be display above in the dialog area. It wakes up GrandPy, its picture change, he is thinking...
A first answer will appear and a map with the localication of the address. He can reply something like this:
"Mais oui mon biquet ! Là voilà :" + the address
Then if GrandPy found a story about the user input, he may say:
"Dis poussin, je t'ai déjà raconté cette histoire?" + few lines about the story
But if no memory comes to him, he will probably say:
"Fichtre! Je me souviens plus ce que je voulais te raconter..."
Only one answer will appear. GrandPy will reply with a random answer and say that he needs holidays:
"Ca aurait été avec plaisir mon poussin, mais là je ne me souviens plus...
demande moi autre chose!" + "J'ai besoin de vacances...Regarde la carte, tu connais ce coin?"