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Revised Invoke-Pester description, Script parameter description
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juneb committed May 29, 2016
1 parent 925a8af commit 8b0135f
Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 41 deletions.
123 changes: 82 additions & 41 deletions Pester.psm1
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Expand Up @@ -105,37 +105,78 @@ $moduleRoot = & $script:SafeCommands['Split-Path'] -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand
function Invoke-Pester {
Invokes Pester to run all tests (files containing *.Tests.ps1) recursively under the Path
Invokes Pester to run all tests (files containing *.Tests.ps1) recursively under
the Path
Upon calling Invoke-Pester, all files that have a name containing
"*.Tests.ps1" will have the tests defined in their Describe blocks
executed. Invoke-Pester begins at the location of Path and
runs recursively through each sub directory looking for
"*.Tests.ps1" files containing tests. If a TestName is provided,
Invoke-Pester will only run tests that have a describe block with a
matching name. By default, Invoke-Pester will end the test run with a
simple report of the number of tests passed and failed output to the
console. One may want pester to "fail a build" in the event that any
tests fail. To accomodate this, Invoke-Pester will return an exit
code equal to the number of failed tests if the EnableExit switch is
set. Invoke-Pester will also write a NUnit style log of test results
if the OutputXml parameter is provided. In these cases, Invoke-Pester
will write the result log to the path provided in the OutputXml
Optionally, Pester can generate a report of how much code is covered
by the tests, and information about any commands which were not
The Invoke-Pester function runs Pester tests, including *.Tests.ps1 files and
Pester tests in PowerShell scripts.
You can run scripts that include Pester tests just as you would any other
Windows PowerShell script, including typing the full path at the command line
and running in a script editing program. Typically, you use Invoke-Pester to run
all Pester tests in a directory, or to use its many helpful parameters,
including parameters that generate custom objects or XML files.
By default, Invoke-Pester runs all *.Tests.ps1 files in the current directory
and all subdirectories recursively. You can use its parameters to select tests
by file name, test name, or tag.
To run Pester tests in scripts that take parameter values, use the Script
parameter with a hash table value.
Also, by default, Pester tests write test results to the host program, much like
Write-Host does, but you can use the Quiet parameter to supress the host
messages, use the PassThru parameter to generate a custom object
(PSCustomObject) that contains the test results, use the OutputXml and
OutputFormat parameters to write the test results to an XML file, and use the
EnableExit parameter to return an exit code that contains the number of failed
You can also use the Strict parameter to fail all pending and skipped tests.
This feature is ideal for build systems and other processes that require success
on every test.
To help with test design, Invoke-Pester includes a CodeCoverage parameter that
lists commands, functions, and lines of code that did not run during test
execution and returns the code that ran as a percentage of all tested code.
Invoke-Pester, and the Pester module that exports it, are products of an
open-source project hosted on GitHub. To view, comment, or contribute to the
repository, see
This parameter indicates which test scripts should be run.
This parameter may be passed simple strings (wildcards are allowed), or hashtables containing Path, Arguments and Parameters keys.
If hashtables are used, the Parameters key must refer to a hashtable, and the Arguments key must refer to an array; these will be splatted to the test script(s) indicated in the Path key.
Note: If the path contains any wildcards, or if it refers to a directory, then Pester will search for and execute all test scripts named *.Tests.ps1 in the target path; the search is recursive. If the path contains no wildcards and refers to a file, Pester will just try to execute that file regardless of its name.
Aliased to 'Path' and 'relative_path' for backwards compatibility.
Specifies test files by path or file name or name pattern. You can also use the
Script parameter to pass parameter names and values to a script that contains
Pester tests.
The Script parameter is optional. If you omit it, Invoke-Pester runs all
*.Tests.ps1 files in the local directory and its subdirectories recursively. Use
the TestName, Tag, and ExcludeTag parameters with or without the Script
parameter, to specify the tests to run.
The value of the Script parameter can be a string, a hash table, or a collection
of hash tables and strings.
To specify test files by path or name, enter a string with the path or path\name,
or a name pattern. Wildcards characters are supported. You can specify the name
of any file that includes Pester tests. This value is not limited to files with
the *.Tests.ps1 file name pattern.
To run a Pester test with parameter names and values, use a hash table as the
value of the script parameter. The keys in the hash table are:
-- Path [string] (required): Specifies a test to run. The value is a path\file
name or name pattern. Wildcards are permitted. All hash tables in a Script
parameter value must have a Path key.
-- Parameters [hashtable]: Runs the script with the specified parameters. The
value is hash table with parameter name and value pairs, such as
@{UserName = 'User01'; Id = '28'}.
-- Arguments [array]: An array or comma-separated list of parameter values
without names. Use this key to pass values to positional parameters.
Informs Invoke-Pester to only run Describe blocks that match this name.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,31 +222,31 @@ Invoke-Pester
This will find all *.Tests.ps1 files and run their tests. No exit code will be returned and no log file will be saved.
Invoke-Pester -Script ./tests/Utils*
This will run all tests in files under ./Tests that begin with Utils and alsocontains .Tests.
Invoke-Pester -Script .\Util*
This commands runs all *.Tests.ps1 files in subdirectories with names that begin
with 'Util' and their subdirectories.
Invoke-Pester -Script @{ Path = './tests/Utils*'; Parameters = @{ NamedParameter = 'Passed By Name' }; Arguments = @('Passed by position') }
Invoke-Pester -Script D:\MyModule, @{ Path = '.\Tests\Utility\ModuleUnit.Tests.ps1'; Parameters = @{ Name = 'User01' }; Arguments = srvNano16 }
Executes the same tests as in Example 1, but will run them with the equivalent of the following command line: & $testScriptPath -NamedParameter 'Passed By Name' 'Passed by position'
This command runs all *.Tests.ps1 files in D:\MyModule and its subdirectories.
It also runs the tests in the ModuleUnit.Tests.ps1 file using the following
parameters: .\Tests\Utility\ModuleUnit.Tests.ps1 srvNano16 -Name User01
Invoke-Pester -TestName "Add Numbers"
This will only run the Describe block named "Add Numbers"
This command runs only the tests in the Describe block named "Add Numbers".
Invoke-Pester -EnableExit -OutputXml "./artifacts/TestResults.xml"
Invoke-Pester -EnableExit -OutputFile ".\artifacts\TestResults.xml" -OutputFormat NUnitXml
This runs all tests from the current directory downwards and writes the results according to the NUnit schema to artifacts/TestResults.xml just below the current directory. The test run will return an exit code equal to the number of test failures.
This command runs all tests in the current directory and its subdirectories. It
writes the results to the TestResults.xml file using the NUnitXml schema. The
test returns an exit code equal to the number of test failures.
Invoke-Pester -EnableExit -OutputFile "./artifacts/TestResults.xml" -OutputFormat NUnitxml
This runs all tests from the current directory downwards and writes the results to an output file and NUnitxml output format
Invoke-Pester -CodeCoverage 'ScriptUnderTest.ps1'
Runs all *.Tests.ps1 scripts in the current directory, and generates a coverage report for all commands in the "ScriptUnderTest.ps1" file.
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