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SwingDev Backend Interview

Hello and welcome to your SwingDev backend interview assignment!

You'll find a description of what needs to be done right below and a few tips for working with this project afterwards.

The assignment

Your goal is to implement a web API that allows to retrieve an exchange rate between two arbitrary currencies for the current moment:

GET /exchange-rate

The endpoint should accept currency ISO codes through query parameters. Sample curl call below should return an exchange rate between US dollars and euro:

$ curl localhost:8080/exchange-rate?from=USD&to=EUR

On success, the endpoint should return a JSON structure like the following:

  "from": "USD",
  "to": "EUR",
  "rate": 0.90,
  "timestamp": 1558564613185

A stubbed API endpoint has already been provided for you so that you can focus on the main goal.

Step 1

The actual exchange rates should be retrieved from a 3rd party exchange rates APIs.

Federal SwingDev Institute

It's a reliable institution with over 68% uptime assured and as many as 4 currencies supported (USD, EUR, PLN and SWD being a Swing Dollar).

Example, self-descriptive Federal SwingDev Institute API request:


Example Federal SwingDev Institute API response:


Step 2

Your solution should balance between 2 different 3rd party exchange rate providers in case one of them is unavailable. Details of the 2nd API:

Swing Exchange Central

The base currency for Swing Exchange Central API is USD. Reliability of this API is not something we can count on.

Example Swing Exchange Central API request:

curl '' \
-X 'GET' \

Example Swing Exchange Central API response:


Step 3

Swing Exchange Central has decided to migrate to API version 2.

Example Swing Exchange Central API request:

curl '' \
-X 'GET' \

Please, find that the Swing Exchange Central API version 2 is rate limited, so you shouldn't request the API more frequent than 10 times per minute. Otherwise, you will be blocked by the provider for a certain time window. Unfortunately they didn't fix API stability issues!

You should assure over 99% uptime and relatively quick, predictable responses (below 500ms).

Working with this repo

TypeScript is enabled, though you are free to work with plain *.js files if you prefer.

Web API is implemented in Express.

The project has nodemon configured, you can start the server in hot-reload mode with:

$ yarn start:watch

Jest testing framework and SuperTest have been configured if you wish to leverage any automatic testing while working on your implementation.

Tests can be run with:

$ yarn test


If you are a fan of Docker it's available for you as well. You can build and start the container with:

$ ./


SwingDev Backend Interview






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