An open source traffic light control program.
MAPtm has started to develop a new generation of traffic light control programs: the so called openTLC programs. The concept is to optimise traffic conditions by using traffic policies and various data sources. The openTLC will be openly developed by a community of road authorities, traffic professionals and programming enthusiasts. Key words to describe an openTLC program are: open, community, uniform, transparent, safety, self-learning, modular, flexible and object-oriented programming (OOP).
We use Python 3 as our programming language of choice and PyCharm as its IDE. YAML is used for the various configuration files and JSON for the APIs.
- Install Python 3
- Install PyCharm
- Open PyCharm
- Open the ‘openTLC’ project
- Make the default Python environment the project interpreter:
- file -> settings -> project -> project interpreter
- Update the ‘pip’ package to the most recent version
- double click on ‘pip’ -> specify version (most recent one) -> install package
- Install the ‘PyYAML’ package:
- click on install -> search for ‘PyYAML’ - > install package