- Lima / Peru
(UTC -05:00)
500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code Public
Forked from ashishpatel26/500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
UpdatedJan 6, 2021 -
DeOldify Public
Forked from jantic/DeOldifyA Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images (and video!)
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJul 21, 2020 -
SMMT Public
Forked from thepanacealab/SMMTSocial Media Mining Toolkit (SMMT) main repository
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2020 -
aima-python Public
Forked from aimacode/aima-pythonPython implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 18, 2020 -
OpenDS4All Public
Forked from odpi/OpenDS4AllOpenDS4All project, hosted by ODPi
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 10, 2020 -
PRML algorithms implemented in Python
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2020 -
ml-coursera-python-assignments Public
Forked from dibgerge/ml-coursera-python-assignmentsPython assignments for the machine learning class by andrew ng on coursera with complete submission for grading capability and re-written instructions.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 31, 2019 -
ipython Public
Forked from ipython/ipythonOfficial repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 16, 2019 -
data-science-fundamentals Public
Forked from jonathandinu/data-science-fundamentals-archiveThis repository contains the exercises and data for Data Science Fundamentals Live Lessons
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 24, 2019 -
Mooc Public
Forked from suhridgit/MoocJupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 23, 2019 -
coursera-machine-learning-solutions-python Public
Forked from suraggupta/coursera-machine-learning-solutions-pythonA repository with solutions to the assignments on Andrew Ng's machine learning MOOC on Coursera
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 13, 2019 -
DataViz Public
Forked from DataForScience/DataVizData Visualization With Matplotlib and Seaborn
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2019 -
machine-learning-books Public
Forked from ammello/machine-learning-booksa list of machine learning books, covering ML, RL, NLP
UpdatedOct 10, 2019 -
data-science-from-scratch Public
Forked from joelgrus/data-science-from-scratchcode for Data Science From Scratch book
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 29, 2019 -
python-ibmdb Public
Forked from ibmdb/python-ibmdbAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/ibm-db
Python UpdatedSep 26, 2019 -
python-generalidades Public
Forked from SimplificandoDatos/python-generalidadesSon los archivos utilizados para los videos relacionados con python
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 17, 2019 -
handson-ml2 Public
Forked from ageron/handson-ml2A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 15, 2019 -
data-analysis Public
Forked from timurista/data-analysisproblems and projects for mastering data analysis
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 13, 2019 -
ipyparallel Public
Forked from ipython/ipyparallelInteractive Parallel Computing in Python
Python Other UpdatedAug 12, 2019 -
machinelearning-az Public
Forked from joanby/machinelearning-azRepositorio del Curso de Machine Learning de la A a la Z con R y Python
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2019 -
Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet Public
Forked from georgearun/Data-Science--Cheat-SheetCheat Sheets
UpdatedJul 7, 2019