This is the submitted project of the MyReads porject as part of the react fundementals course. the app is a small perosnal library to keep track fo your books, it splits the books into 3 category "currentl reading", "want to read" and "read".
you can switch a book from any category to another one and the website will update and chnage the posistion of th book.
the second part is the search function which gives you the ability to add more books. the search itself is limited by certain terms that cold be found in the "". trying anyother terms will return an error which is displayed as no books were found to the user.
To get started developing right away:
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- start the development server with
npm start
using the app is simple as the main page shows you the current books you have in your library, which you can move them between each place and by using the + button at the bottom right you will access the search page which will allow you to add new books to your library by picking a category for them.