BiteBoard. Your recipes, all in one place! Add recipes and easily browse through your online cookbook. 🍴
- Mary Ann Navarrete
- Kirsty Brewster
- As a user, I can ... :
- Browse all the recipes on the site
- Add a new recipe to the website
- Edit or Delete my recipes
- Rate the difficulty level of a recipe
- Filter recipes via search bar
- Sort recipes by category
- Sort recipes by rating
In the project directory, you can run:
- Run yarn start or npm start. This runs the app in the development mode.
- Open http://localhost:3000/recipes to view it in the browser.
- NOTE* You will need to run the recipe-backend repository simultaneously. On another terminal, run rails s to open the database.
- Front-end: React, Javascript, HTML, CSS
- Back-end API made using Ruby on Rails
- Add'l Resources Chakra UI, Bootstrap, Canva (logo) This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.