- 🌱 Currently mastering React Three Fiber and unlocking more secrets of Web Development.
- 🤝 Seeking collabs on mind-blowing 3D web projects and eye-popping website designs.
- 🎯 2024 Goals: Upgrade from version 2.0 to 3.0 (because why not?).
- ⚡ Fun fact: I once attempted to create a 3D website for intergalactic restaurants during a cosmic hackathon!
- 🌐 Void - Combat Mental Health (built during a hackathon).
- 🖥️ Bann - Course selling platform with MERN stack and Recoil for state management.
- Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java
- Frameworks/Libraries: React, Three.js, MERN, Tailwind CSS, Material-UI
- Tools: Git, GitHub, VS Code