Nix_Configuration Public
This is my NixOS Configuration
Evillimiter Public
Forked from bitbrute/evillimiterTool that monitors, analyzes and limits the bandwidth of devices on the local network without administrative access.
Algos_meta_code Public
Trying to collect Data Structure subject important code in one code to rule them all
Mental_Health_Focused_Ai Public
An AI that can be your trusty companion to talk to about your mental health
Stress_tester Public
A truly made for fun and learning stress tester for memory and CPU
httrack Public
Forked from xroche/httrackHTTrack Website Copier, copy websites to your computer
nixpkgs Public
Forked from NixOS/nixpkgsNix Packages collection & NixOS
CMS Public
A Project for CSE-15 at Galala University trying to implement similar functionality to Oracle's people soft in C++
CodeAlpha_Internship Public
CodeAlpha python internship Efforts summed up