AnnoLib is a simple yet very powerful library for converting between Annotation Dataformats. To be able to read and write between n formats, programmers only need to implement n readers and n writers, instead of n(n-1) conversion classes.
AnnoLib uses an intermediate representation of annotations, defined as AnnoDatabase datatype. Readers are required to parse the input into AnnoDatabase and Writers are required to accept AnnoDatabase and be able to write to its own format. This decouples Readers from Writers and help programmers to code independently from each others.
sudo apt install python3
curl -o
python --user
Change the directory to root project folder
cd /AnnoLib/annolib
Compile the source code
python3 develop
From the perspective of a library user, you only need to initiate a reader, pass it to writer then call write() function
parser = MySQLParser("utf-8",
writer = CSVTrainTestWriter(parser, 0.8, False)
writer.set_output_file("train.csv", "test.csv")
From the perspective of a library writer, you only need to subclass AnnoParser or AnnoWriter for reader and writer respectively. Each of those classes is an Abstract Base Class so instead of fail silently, it will throw error if you implement your subclass wrong
class AnnoParser(metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Abstract class for xml parser and matlab file parser"""
def __init__(self, encoding: str) -> None:
self.encode_method = encoding
self.shapes: AnnoDatabase = []
def parse_anno(self) -> AnnoDatabase:
abstract method, will be implemented diffirently by children
parse annotation either form .xml file or matlab json file
def anno_data(self) -> AnnoDatabase:
smart getter, just call my_parser.Anno_Data, it will check
if ParseAnno has run yet and return annotation data.
self.shapes = [{'bbox' =[(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'label')], 'img_path' = ''}]
# Empty List valuates to fall
if self.shapes:
return self.shapes
self.shapes = self.parse_anno()
return self.shapes
- Setuptools - A packaging solution for Python project
We follow Iowa State University authorship policy, please send requests to us at the address: [email protected]
We use git for versioning. For the versions available, use the git tagging.
- Truong Tran - LinkedIn
See also the research project info at lab website for detail information.
Copyright 2018 Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, all rights reserved
We gratefully acknowledge support from Plant Science Institute at Iowa State University.