This is a ios client IM demo, it use the google protobuf as the protocol for networking trasition.
Version of Protobuf Lib : 2.2.0
Version of Protobuf Compile Tool: 2.2.0 (
Build Protobuf cmd line steps: Download latest version of procbuffer. []. tar xfvj protobuf-2.2.0.tar.bz2 Configure the protobuf.
cd protobuf-2.2.0 ./configure CC=clang CXX=clang++ CXXFLAGS='-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -O3 -g' LDFLAGS='-stdlib=libc++' LIBS="-lc++ -lc++abi"
Make the source make -j 4 sudo make install
Error when compiling: You may encounter an error say something error in file ".../", just go to folder "../src/google/protobuf" to find out the file and add "#include <istream>".
After built the protobuf cmd tool Create a .proto file, this file is the bean model, then use proto cmd line to bulid the .proto to objective-c file. (for the cmd line,please refer to the file "" under thie project folder "../TCPClientManager/TCPAPI/PBTemp/")