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An inject tools for injecting js code into electron application
A Chinese Toturial of Debian GNU/Linux, Written for Chinaskills
A beautiful shopping platform developed with Next.js, tailored for various devices including Desktop, Tablet, and Phone. 基于Nextjs开发同时适配Desktop、Tablet、Phone多种设备的精美购物平台
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pyMetaheuristic: A Comprehensive Python Library for Optimization
QQNT 插件加载器:LiteLoaderQQNT —— 轻量 · 简洁 · 开源 · 福瑞
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🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
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Mathhub6 / ComputerStudent
Forked from hfdfk/ComputerStudent计算机专业系统性学习资料
Revive unavailable songs for Netease Cloud Music
Compare PDF documents using PDF Miner and print out the differences as HTML documents
All Algorithms implemented in Python
Mathhub6 / wtfpython
Forked from satwikkansal/wtfpythonWhat the f*ck Python? 😱
开源人脸口罩检测模型和数据 Detect faces and determine whether people are wearing mask.
sfvsfv / learnopencv
Forked from spmallick/learnopencvLearn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples