Antares-Simulator is an Open Source power system simulator to quantify the adequacy or the economic performance of interconnected energy systems, at short or remote time horizons.
MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software. For support, contribution, bug reports, visit Fork and make pull requests!
Python module for Balmorel data processing
A cookiecutter template for reproducible research projects using Python, Snakemake, and Pandoc.
Description and code for parsing measurement data from the water pit storage in Dronninglund, Denmark.
atlite: A Lightweight Python Package for Calculating Renewable Power Potentials and Time Series
Reproducible research software development using Python
Materials for SVG Essentials & Animation Course
Workshop Materials for my Introduction to Vue.js Workshop
PyPSA-Eur: A Sector-Coupled Open Optimisation Model of the European Energy System
A highly adaptable modelling framework for multi-energy systems
Spine Toolbox is an open source Python package to manage data, scenarios and workflows for modelling and simulation. You can have your local workflow, but work as a team through version control and…
Plotting a sankey diagram with Balmorel and Optiflow results