A passionate self-proclaimed fullstack developer. "(NTI) No Things Impossible" is my motto which helps me keeping myself motivated in these volatile and dynamic times. I'm opened to any kind of cooperation - if you have some interesting project in mind then feel free to contact me! I'm interested in any topics associated with modern technologies such as AR/VR, AI/ML, Big Data, IoT, data-driven solutions, advanced computer graphics, interactive mobile apps/games development, responsive web applications and whatever makes people happier around the world. Here is some info about me...
🌱 I’m currently pursuing MSc Degree in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) at Warsaw University of Technology. Planned finish date: 02/2026.
📫 How to reach me [email protected] or LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mateusz-kołacz-52999418b/
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