Welcome to GoPomelo App Dev Team! As a candidate, you may be asked for testing your development skills as Full Stack Developer.
- Please README
- Clone or download this project
You can choose any projects, no limit, one project at least.
- HappyJSON - help me transform JSON to Java Object
- APIWow - create a simple Spring Boot project (with maven or gradle)
- BootstrapLover - create html web app with BootStrap Framework
- AngularLover - build and run a simple Angular application in TypeScript, using the Angular CLI
- [GoogleMapsLover] - create web app to show google maps javascript api and pleace your location as marker
- You may use Google Docs or MS Word to describe code, process, wrokflow
- Please describe as if you were assigned and were having a great job on your career path, very happy on that. Some day you have got a new assign role in development - which is completely different and it will be on going for almost a year. We would like to know your opinions about that.
- Have you ever been on a team where someone was not pulling their own weight? How did you handle it?
- What are your lifelong dreams?
- The project should be runnable on localhost. If it's not, please tell us
- Compress your source code as ZIP and email to [email protected]
- Any questions, email only