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I have built (and still improving) eCommerce Website to better understand React library with surrounding Ecosystem

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Shop project

Hi ! I've just made my first e-commerce project using React & Redux to practisethose technologies.

Implemented solutions

  1. Cards displayed in grid view
  2. Details view of products
  3. Shopping card funcionality: add to shopping cart, delete from cart
  4. Possibility of changing quantity of products in cart
  5. Contact and order form

How it works

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

After clone this project the only thing you nedd to do to start this application is installing node modules by typing "npm install" in console and start localhost by typing "npm start" in console.

How did I create this project ?

What things you need to install and how to install them

Project was prepared based on CRA template.

npx install create-react-app --npm

React router and react router Dom for creating routes
npm i --save rect-router react-router-dom

State managment:
npm install--save react-redux redux

Redux thunk - middleware for redux - ability to make async functions in redux npm install --save redux-thunk

styled components
npm i styled-components

react slick abd react scroll. and slick-carousel
npm i --save react-slick react-scroll slick-carousel

npm i formik

gsap - librairy for advanced animations
npm i react-gsap

jest and enzyme
npm i --save enzyme


Unit test for some components: 1.Hamburger 2.Title 3.

Prettier and Eslint configuration

Configuration based on CRA documentation


Website was deployed using Netlify


  • Mateusz Grzejszczyk - Initial work -


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