You can join this discord and then go to the leetcode-bot
channel and type !problems <company>
for a particular company, or !problem companies
to see which companies have available data.
Grab the entry and add it as a text file to the inputs/
folder. Then, it will use Selenium to scrape through LeetCode.
If you want to run additional problems through the scraper, you need to set up a web-driver. Personally, I just do brew install chromedriver
and brew upgrade chromedriver
when my browser doesn't match the current version. You can use Mozilla's geckodriver. There are lots of online resources for doing web-scraping, so don't post an issue here.
> ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-c {amazon,google,twitch,salesforce,facebook,microsoft}] [-d {any,easy,medium,hard}] [-n NUM]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c {amazon,google,twitch,salesforce,facebook,microsoft}, --company {amazon,google,twitch,salesforce,facebook,microsoft}
-d {any,easy,medium,hard}, --difficulty {any,easy,medium,hard}
-n NUM, --num NUM show at most this many problems
> ./ -c microsoft -d easy -n 5
title difficulty times link
1 Sign of the Product of an Array easy 76
9 Design HashMap easy 18
12 Maximum Subarray easy 13
17 Min Stack easy 11
21 Merge Sorted Array easy 11