DEFINE variable struct
- scroll wheel hook
draw full image
image loop
- color fade
Fractal Math
- Mandelbrot
- Julia
- needs support for different sets!!!
Update on Window resizing
Mouse Wheel Zoom
colors for Depth
Prompt if no parameter (julia or mandelbrot) is provided DONE
dont use documentation, search in folder using VScode
Mandelbrot video: The Coding Train mandelbrot / julia
approach infinity -> "discard" stay in bounds -> "keep"
open, close, read, write, malloc, free, perror, strerror, exit •All functions of the math library (-lm compiler option, man man 3 math) •All functions of the MiniLibX •ft_printf and any equivalent YOU coded
mlx_t* mlx_init(int32_t width, int32_t height, const char* title, bool resize); void mlx_scroll_hook(mlx_t* mlx, mlx_scrollfunc func, void* param); mlx_image_t* mlx_new_image(mlx_t* mlx, uint32_t width, uint32_t height); bool mlx_resize_image(mlx_image_t* img, uint32_t nwidth, uint32_t nheight); void mlx_terminate(mlx_t* mlx);
- Key function callback data.
- Data related to the mlx_key_hook function
- @param key The key that was pressed.
- @param action The action that was done with the key.
- @param os_key The os_key is unique for every key, and will have a
- different value/keycode depending on the platform.
- They may be consistent on different platforms.
- @param modifier The modifier key that was pressed, 0 if no key was pressed. */ typedef struct mlx_key_data { keys_t key; action_t action; int32_t os_key; modifier_key_t modifier; } mlx_key_data_t;
- Main MLX handle, carries important data in regards to the program.
- @param window The window itself.
- @param context Abstracted opengl data.
- @param width The width of the window.
- @param height The height of the window.
- @param delta_time The time difference between the previous frame
- and the current frame. / typedef struct mlx { void window; void* context; int32_t width; int32_t height; double delta_time; } mlx_t;
- An image with an individual buffer that can be rendered.
- Any value can be modified except the width/height and context.
- @param width The width of the image.
- @param height The height of the image.
- @param pixels The literal pixel data.
- @param instances An instance carrying the X, Y and Z location data.
- @param count The element count of the instances array.
- @param enabled If true the image is drawn onto the screen, else it's not.
- @param context Abstracted OpenGL data. / typedef struct mlx_image { const uint32_t width; const uint32_t height; uint8_t pixels; mlx_instance_t* instances; size_t count; bool enabled; void* context; } mlx_image_t;