Goals of this project is:
- To be more or less compatible with GNU gettext (API and tools).
- To be as fast as possible in concurrent environment.
You may use this app to translate libraries as well as your own business apps and use them in single installation with no conflicts. Libraries may ship their own translations inside their distribution.
You definitely should be familiar with GNU gettext before start using this library.
In Erlang code include shortcuts.hrl
header file.
Mark your translatable strings with:
(regular)?N_("", "", N)
(plural)?P_(Ctx, "")
(respecting msgctx)?NP_(Ctx, "", "", N)
(ngettext + pgettext)?D_(Domain, "")
(domain/namespace lookups, plus?DN_
- gettext noop
% file: my_app/src/my_module.erl
-define(GETTEXT_DOMAIN, my_app).
main(Name, What, N) ->
gettexter:bindtextdomain(?GETTEXT_DOMAIN, "/../locales"), % from where load locales
gettexter:textdomain(?GETTEXT_DOMAIN), % domain for current process
gettexter:setlocale(lc_messages, "en"), % locale for current process
Question = case What of
sleep -> ?NO_("Wanna sleep?");
eat -> ?NO_("Wanna eat?")
Time = io_lib:format(?N_("It's ~p hour", "It's ~p hours", N), [N]),
%% /* Translators: this is hello message */
io:format(?_("Hello, ~p! ~ts. ~ts"), [Name, Time, ?_(Question)]).
Extract messages from sources to .pot file by xgettext
command. Take note
that this only work for string literals and not binaries.
export APP=my_app
xgettext -o locale/${APP}.pot --package-name=${APP} -d ${APP} --sort-by-file -L C \
--keyword='NO_' --keyword='_' --keyword='N_:1,2' \
--keyword='P_:1c,2' --keyword='NP_:1c,2,3' \
--keyword='D_:2' --keyword='DN_:2,3' --keyword='DP_:2c,3' --keyword='DNP_:2c,3,4' \
--add-comments=Translators \
src/my_module.erl src/*.erl
Initialize new locale's .po file by msginit
mkdir -p locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
msginit -i locale/${APP}.pot -o locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/${APP}.po --locale=ru
Or actualize existing locale's .po file by msgmerge
msgmerge -U locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/${APP}.po locale/${APP}.pot
When translations are finished, generate locale's binary .mo files by msgfmt
msgfmt --check -o locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/${APP}.mo locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/${APP}.po
It's strongly recommended to not add .mo files to your repository! So, add
to .gitignore / .hgignore and generate them in compile-time (by rebar
post-compile hook or so).
Api tries to be compatible with GNU gettext API. If you find some discrepancy (not explicitly documented) - please report.
All lookup functions are able to take both binaries or strings. They will return what is given to them. Mixed textual types is not supported.
Each lookup function and macros has it's arity + 1 companion, which accept
explicit locale as last argument. So, gettexter:gettext(text())
gettexter:gettext(text(), locale())
, ?_(text())
has ?_(text(), locale())
and so on.
For more information see the documentation.
gettexter:gettext(text()) -> text(). % '?_' macro
Main gettext call. Uses locale, activated by setlocale/2
gettexter:ngettext(Singular :: text(), Plural :: text(),
Count :: integer()) -> text(). % '?N_' macro
Plural gettext call.
gettexter:pgettext(Context :: text(), text()) -> text(). % '?P_'
gettexter:pngettext(Context :: text(), text(), text(),
integer()) -> text(). % '?PN_'
Gettext calls with respect to msgctx
('p' means 'particular').
gettexter:dgettext(Domain :: atom(), text()) -> text(). % '?D_'
% and other 'gettexter:d{n,p,pn}gettext' plus '?D*_' macroses
Gettext calls, which will search in a specific domain (namespace).
(See bindtextdomain
gettexter:bindtextdomain(Domain :: atom(), LocaleDir :: file:filename()) -> ok.
Setup directory from which .mo files will be loaded like
Domain MUST be specified for library applications (see dgettext
By default, Domain
is application:get_application()
and LocaleDir
filename:absname(filename:join(code:priv_dir(Domain), "locale"))
If LocaleDir
is relative, absolute path will be calculated, unlike original
does (relative to cwd), but relative to code:priv_dir(Domain)
This function don't reload already loaded locales for Domain
, so, should be called
before setlocale
or ensure_loaded
This function usualy called only once at application initialization/configuration phase.
gettexter:setlocale(lc_messages, Locale :: text()) -> ok.
gettexter:getlocale(lc_messages) -> text() | undefined.
Get / Set default locale for current process. It also loads .mo files for
from the LocaleDir
s for each Domain
(if not loaded yet).
1'st argumet currently has only one value - lc_messages
Note: getlocale
is not standard GNU gettext function.
gettexter:textdomain() -> atom() | undefined.
gettexter:textdomain(Domain :: atom()) -> ok.
Get/Set default domain (namespace) for current process.
If you call it like textdomain(my_app)
, then gettext(Key)
calls will be
converted to dgettext(my_app, Key)
XXX: it's highly preferable to use dgettext
directly and don't use this
API function, if localized strings can be rendered in different processes.
gettexter:bind_textdomain_codeset(Domain :: atom(), Charset :: string()) -> ok.
Set encoding, on which all gettexter:*gettext
responses should be converted.
This add significant performance overhead, and require 'iconv' dependency, if
.po file's Content-Type
and Charset
isn't the same.
XXX: Note, that gettexter:gettext(Key)
call will be finally converted to
gettexter:dpgettext(undefined, undefined, Key)
, which will try to extract
and Locale
from current process dictionary.
XXX: When developing library, you may want to re-define ?_
, ?N_
, ?P_
to call dgettext
and use your module's domain by default.
You can do this by following trick:
-define(GETTEXT_DOMAIN, my_domain).
This will modify macroses (except ?_D*
) to use d*gettext(my_domain, ...)
by default.
This apis has no GNU gettext equiualents, but may be useful in Erlang apps.
gettexter:which_domains(Locale) -> [atom()].
Which domains are loaded from .mo files to gettext server for Locale
gettexter:which_locales(Domain) -> [locale()].
Which locales are loaded from .mo files to gettext server for Domain
gettexter:ensure_loaded(TextDomain, lc_messages, Locale) ->
{ok, already} | {ok, MoFile :: file:filename()} | {error, term()}.
Ensure, that locale is loaded from .mo file to gettexter server. If locale
isn't loaded, all gettext
lookups to it will return default value Msgid
This function may be called at application start-up or configuration time,
once for each supported locale.
In case of error, all data for this combination of Domain
and Locale
be removed from gettexter server to avoid incomplete/broken data.
gettexter:reset() -> ok.
Remove all gettext stuff, added by setlocale
or textdomain
, from process
dictionary (but not from locale data storage). May be used to reuse process
for the next client.
- Domain: namespace for translations. In practice, the name of .po/.mo file, which in most cases, named as your OTP application.
- Locale: not strictly speaking, just name of translation's language, like "en", "en_GB", "ru", "pt_BR", etc. Usualy Locale contains also rules of plural form calculation, date/time/number formatting, currency etc.
- LC_MESSAGES: locale category, which contains translated application's strings (in .mo/.po format).
Erlydtl >= 0.9.4 supports plural forms and contexts.
So, you can use all gettexter features with it. To enable translation features of
erlydtl, you should wrap all translatable strings in {%trans%}
, {%blocktrans%}
and _()
generate .po and .mo files and then pass translation_fun
and locales
in compile-time, or
and locale
in render-time.
Example translation_fun
TransFun = fun({Str, {StrPlural, N}}, {Locale, Ctx}) ->
gettexter:pngettext(Ctx, Str, StrPlural, N, Locale);
({Str, {StrPlural, N}}, Locale) ->
gettexter:ngettext(Str, StrPlural, N, Locale);
(Str, {Locale, Ctx}) ->
gettexter:pgettext(Ctx, Str, Locale);
(Str, Locale) ->
gettexter:gettext(Str, Locale)
{# file: src/tpl.dtl #}
{%trans "Hello"%}
{%trans "Hello" context "ctx"%}
{% blocktrans count cnt=cnt %}Apple{%plural%}Apples{%endblocktrans%}
.po file
#file: locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/test_app.po + compiled .mo
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Привет"
msgctxt "ctx"
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Контекстный привет"
msgid "Apple"
msgid_plural "Apples"
msgstr[0] "Яблоко"
msgstr[1] "Яблока"
msgstr[2] "Яблок"
1> application:start(gettexter).
2> Domain = test_app.
3> % next step may be skipped, if `code:priv_dir(Domain)` is ok (if Domain is appname)
3> gettexter:bindtextdomain(Domain, </path/to/app/priv> ++ "/locale").
4> gettexter:textdomain(Domain).
5> erlydtl:compile_file("src/tpl.dtl", t).
6> TransFun = '....'. % see above
7> {ok, R} = t:render(), io:format("~ts~n", [iolist_to_binary(R)]).
8> {ok, R1} = t:render([{cnt, 2}], [{locale, "ru"}, {translation_fun, TransFun}]).
9> io:format("~ts~n", [iolist_to_binary(R1)]).
Контекстный привет
Expression, ?_(<<"...">>)
is not well handled by xgettext
, so, variants:
Write own extractor like xgettext, but for erlang code. Also,
serializer will be needed then. -
Send patches to GNU gettext.
Maybe allow bindtextdomain/2
2'nd argument be a {M, F, A}
or fun M:F/N
allow locale loading customization?
Since ETS lookups require heap copying, smth like static .beam module with compiled-in phrases and plural rules (!!!) may be generated. Pros: extra fast access speed; no memory copying; compiled plural rules. Cons: slow update; hackish.