Web store that sells everything related to cereal.
- Recent version of Python
- Python packages:
- django
- django-filter
- Pillow
- psycopg2-binary
- python-dotenv
Change directory to the directory where requirements.txt is located.
Activate your virtualenv.
Run: pip install -r requirements.txt in your shell.
The application uses Google Cloud for the PostgreSQL database hosting.
Contact us for the correct credentials that you have to put in a .env file.
- Command to run the server:
- python manage.py runserver
- Filter by brand on top of filtering by label (e.g. Gluten free, Healthy, ...)
- Order by newest arrivals, on sale on top of being able to order by price (ascending & descending) & name (ascending & descending).
- Users can easily upload their profile picture straight to the website.
- Users can save addresses to their accounts.
- Users can save cards to their accounts.
- Users can view their old orders in completion.
- User can select from his saved addresses or add a new one.
- User can select from his saved cards or add a new one.
- Products can only be bought if they are in stock as each product has x amount of stock.
- Users can post reviews on products, but only products they have bought and only one per product.
- Products can be on sale and are displayed nicely to the user the old price, new price and the percentage difference.
- Nicely formatted overview page of all orders.
- Orders status can be changed from e.g. Placed to Shipped to indicate at what stage the order is at.
- If an order is selected it shows all the information of it and also shows the items that were purchased in that order nicely formatted in a table.
- Nicely formatted overview page of all products.
- Products can be edited as the staff wish.
- Images for a product can be easily uploaded through the admin panel.
- Products can be easily added to the web store.
- Staff can easily put products on discount and the only thing they need to specify is how much percentage off the product should be.
- The admin panel then calculates the new price from that, saves it and displays it in the panel.