Forest Assassin is a 2D adventure platformer game with easy controls and fun gameplay, which helps every one to get started, this is a classic platformer game with wonderfully designed characters and world. To complete the game collect all the coins and the trophy try to collect all 100 gold coins to become the highest scorer in this adventurers platformer game, on your way you will face many obstacles and enemies and use your sword to fight with the enemy.
Forest Assassin game is developed through Unity3d game engine and currently, this game is available for both Android & Web platform.
On the smartphone user will get the feelings of a classic platformer game. So please download the game and share your experience.
This game is compatible with all major desktop browsers Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and Safari which supports WebGL 1.0.
git clone
Open /unity-project folder in Unity editor
git clone
cd web-build
npm install
npm start
Open http://localhost:8000 to view it in the browser.
This project is licensed under the MIT License