This project is an assignment from The Odin Project to develop a small library application. Its purpose is purely educational.
- all books are stored in an array
- display all books of the array in a UI
- add button that brings up a form where user can input title, author, page number and a read status
- add button to each book entry to remove the book from the library
- add button to each book entry to change its read status
First I have designed a mockup in Figma.
Then I converted the design into code using HTML and CSS, and afterward, I developed the logic in JavaScript.
- existence of text alignment issue on chrome browser when using specific fonts e.g. "Nimbus Sans"
- the concept of closures and scopes
- how to create object constructor functions, understand the concept of prototypal inheritance and how to utilize the prototype for adding methods to the constructed objects prototype
- how to refactor object constructors into factory functions and utilize closures to create methods that retain access to certain variables and object properties even after the 'main' function has returned
- how to create a module with immediately invoked function expression (IIFE)