This project is designed to visualize risk data across different years, showcasing what kinds of disasters and risks have impacted various assets. It presents data in three distinct styles: on a map, in a detailed table, and through data graphs, allowing users to interactively explore and understand the risk factors and ratings associated with different assets.
This interactive tool enables users to:
- View assets on a map, categorized by the type of business and filtered by year.
- Explore detailed risk factors and ratings for every asset in a selected year.
- Visualize the risk rating of selected assets, locations, or business types through dynamic graphs.
- RiskMap
- Utilizes react-leaflet to display location data as custom markers on the map.
- Users can select a year via typing or a combo box (material ui autocomplete), influencing which assets are shown.
- Marker clustering (react-leaflet-cluster) improves the user experience by aggregating markers in the same location.
- Marker colors vary based on risk rating values, with colors randomly generated.
- Selecting a marker enlarges it, indicating the current selection.
- RiskTable
- Presents year-specific data in a sortable and filterable table (material react table).
- Data can be sorted by columns like Asset Name, Latitude, Longitude, Business Category, and Risk Rating.
- Filtering capabilities allow users to narrow down the data by Asset Name, Business Category, Risk Rating, and Risk Factors.
- RiskGraph
- Displays a line graph where the x-axis represents time (years) and the y-axis shows risk rating values (line graph).
- The graph can be adjusted based on three attributes: Asset Name, Location (latitude and longitude), and Business Category, selectable via a toggle button (material toggle button).
- Depending on the selected attribute, a combo box appears for specific value selection (material select).
- Graph data vary with selected attributes, offering insights like average risk ratings per year and top risk factors.
Explore the Risk Visualization Platform live at Risk Visualization.