This PHP 5.4+ library allows you to mass move and delete disks in Proxmox VE.
If you find any errors, typos or you detect that something is not working as expected please open an issue or email me [email protected]. I'll try to release a fix as soon as possible.
You do not need to install any packages on your hypervisor. You can use any machine with the PHP Cli and PHP Curl package.
For Debian 9+
$ apt install php-cli php-curl
Currently available commands
- pve-move-disks.php - Move disk to another storage or format
- pve-delete-disks.php - Delete unused disks
- pve-eject-cdroms.php - Eject cdroms
- pve-list-storages - List storages with the disk image option enabled
$ ./pve-move-disks.php
Move disk to another storage or format - Usage:
-h Proxmox hostname (required)
-u Username (required)
-p Password (required)
-r Realm (Default: 'pam')
-P Port (Default: 8006)
-n Dry run
-d dest storage (required)
-s source storage
-t target format (raw, qcow2, vmdk)
$ ./pve-delete-disks.php
Delete unused disks - Usage:
-h Proxmox hostname (required)
-u Username (required)
-p Password (required)
-r Realm (Default: 'pam')
-P Port (Default: 8006)
-n Dry run
-d delete storage (required)
$ ./pve-eject-cdroms.php
Eject cdroms - Usage:
-h Proxmox hostname (required)
-u Username (required)
-p Password (required)
-r Realm (Default: 'pam')
-P Port (Default: 8006)
-n Dry run
-d source storage (required)
Move all disks from "oldstorage" to "newstorage" - using format raw on "newstorage"
$ ./pve-move-disks.php -h -u root -p mypassword -s oldstorage -d newstorage -t raw
Moving virtio1 - oldstorage:100/vm-100-disk-1.qcow2,size=107374182 to newstorage raw on 100 : mymachine
Moving virtio2 - oldstorage:100/vm-100-disk-2.raw,size=214748364 to newstorage raw on 100 : mymachine
After all disks are moved, delete the old disks - start with a "dry run" (-n) to show which disk which would be deleted.
$ ./pve-delete-disks.php -h -u root -p mypassword -d oldstorage -n
Delete disk unused0 - oldstorage:100/vm-100-disk-1.qcow2 on 100 : mymachine
Delete disk unused1 - oldstorage:100/vm-100-disk-2.raw on 100 : mymachine
Actually delete the disks
$ ./pve-delete-disks.php -h -u root -p mypassword -d oldstorage
Delete disk unused0 - oldstorage:100/vm-100-disk-1.qcow2 on 100 : mymachine
Delete disk unused1 - oldstorage:100/vm-100-disk-2.raw on 100 : mymachine
Eject the cdrom on the oldstorage
$ ./pve-eject-cdroms.php -h -u root -p mypassword -d oldstorage
Ejecting ide2 - oldstorage:iso/debian-9.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso,media=cdrom,size=290M on vmid 100 : mymachine
This project is released under the GPL V3 License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.