What's new in psycopg 2.8
New features:
- Added `~psycopg2.errors` module. Every PostgreSQL error is converted into
a specific exception class (:ticket:`#682`).
- Added `~psycopg2.extensions.encrypt_password()` function (:ticket:`#576`).
- Added `~psycopg2.extensions.BYTES` adapter to manage databases with mixed
encodings on Python 3 (:ticket:`#835`).
- Added `~psycopg2.extensions.Column.table_oid` and
`~psycopg2.extensions.Column.table_column` attributes on `cursor.description`
items (:ticket:`#661`).
- Added `connection.info` object to retrieve various PostgreSQL connection
information (:ticket:`#726`).
- Added `~connection.get_native_connection()` to expose the raw ``PGconn``
structure to C extensions via Capsule (:ticket:`#782`).
- Added `~connection.pgconn_ptr` and `~cursor.pgresult_ptr` to expose raw
C structures to Python and interact with libpq via ctypes (:ticket:`#782`).
- `~psycopg2.sql.Identifier` can represent qualified names in SQL composition
- Added `!ReplicationCursor`.\ `~psycopg2.extras.ReplicationCursor.wal_end`
attribute (:ticket:`#800`).
- Added *fetch* parameter to `~psycopg2.extras.execute_values()` function
- `!str()` on `~psycopg2.extras.Range` produces a human-readable representation
- `~psycopg2.extras.DictCursor` and `~psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor` rows
maintain columns order (:ticket:`#177`).
- Added `~psycopg2.extensions.Diagnostics.severity_nonlocalized` attribute on
the `~psycopg2.extensions.Diagnostics` object (:ticket:`#783`).
- More efficient `~psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor` (:ticket:`#838`).
Bug fixes:
- Fixed connections occasionally broken by the unrelated use of the
multiprocessing module (:ticket:`#829`).
- Fixed async communication blocking if results are returned in different
chunks, e.g. with notices interspersed to the results (:ticket:`#856`).
- Fixed adaptation of numeric subclasses such as `~enum.IntEnum`
Other changes:
- Dropped support for Python 2.6, 3.2, 3.3.
- Dropped `psycopg1` module.
- Dropped deprecated `!register_tstz_w_secs()` (was previously a no-op).
- Dropped deprecated `!PersistentConnectionPool`. This pool class was mostly
designed to interact with Zope. Use `!ZPsycopgDA.pool` instead.
- Binary packages no longer installed by default. The 'psycopg2-binary'
package must be used explicitly.
- Dropped `!PSYCOPG_DISPLAY_SIZE` build parameter.
- Dropped support for mxDateTime as the default date and time adapter.
mxDatetime support continues to be available as an alternative to Python's
builtin datetime.
- No longer use 2to3 during installation for Python 2 & 3 compatibility. All
source files are now compatible with Python 2 & 3 as is.
- The `!psycopg2.test` package is no longer installed by ``python setup.py
- Wheel package compiled against OpenSSL 1.0.2r and PostgreSQL 11.2 libpq.