Teknasyon 2023 Hackathon Sadjourney Team
- employeecreator.py Script
This script combines an existing employee dataset with generated employee data for 1000 users, including unique identifiers, names, passwords, attendance status, and phone numbers, and saves the combined data as a CSV file, while also printing it to the console.
- drivercreator.py Script
This script generates simulated driver data for 80 users in Turkey, including unique identifiers, full names, passwords, car plate numbers, and phone numbers, and saves the data as a CSV file.
- ibbdatascraper.py Script
This script downloads an XML file from a web IBB (Istanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi) API service that provides camera information, parses the XML data using ElementTree, extracts specific camera attributes, and stores the data in a pandas DataFrame. The extracted attributes include the camera's group ID, ID, images, name, video URLs, coordinates, and group. The DataFrame is then printed to the console and saved as a CSV file named kamera.csv. Finally, the downloaded XML file is removed.