Welcome to my BookApp project. This project was made upon request. You can search for books in the project, select books and add them to your library.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Melihomac/BookApp-Case.git
npm install or yarn install
Go to Root and create a folder name
:git clone https://github.com/Melihomac/BookApp-Backend
node app.js
npm start
For FrontEnd:
├───assets │ │ adaptive-icon.png │ │ Cover.png │ │ favicon.png │ │ icon.png │ │ splash.png │ ├───fonts │ │ FamiljenGrotesk-VariableFont_wght.ttf │ │ KronaOne-Regular.ttf │ └───icons │ │ CardButtonIcons.png │ │ LibraryIcon.png │ │ plusIcon.png │ │ RoundedButtons.png │ └───BottomButtons │ HomeIcon.png │ LibraryActive.png │ LibraryButton.png │ ProfileButton.png │ SearchButton.png ├───components │ │ Home.tsx │ │ Library.tsx │ ├───bookReviews │ │ BookReviews.tsx │ ├───bottomSheet │ │ BottomSheetComponent.tsx │ ├───header │ │ MainHeader.tsx │ ├───hook │ │ useHook.tsx │ ├───myBooks │ │ MyBooks.tsx │ ├───nowReading │ │ NowReading.tsx │ └───search │ SearchComponent.tsx ├───scaleProps │ ScaleProps.tsx │ │ .gitignore │ app.json │ App.tsx │ babel.config.js │ FirebaseConfig.tsx │ package-lock.json │ package.json │ README.md │ tsconfig.json │ yarn.lock
For Backend:
backend/ |-- node_modules/ |-- assets/ |-- app.js |-- data.json |-- package.json |-- .gitignore
All Structure:
case/ | -- Files.../ backend/ | -- Files.../
Create FirebaseProject
Create FirebaseConfig.tsx file on your project root folder
Add this code to your FirebaseConfig.tsx
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app"; import { getDatabase } from "firebase/database"; const firebaseConfig = { //YOUR CREDENTİALS }; // Initialize Firebase const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig); export const db = getDatabase(app);
Create Realtime Database on your firebase console.