Starred repositories
HybridCLR是一个特性完整、零成本、高性能、低内存的Unity全平台原生c#热更新解决方案。 HybridCLR is a fully featured, zero-cost, high-performance, low-memory solution for Unity's all-platform native c# hotupdate.
Unity mobile input (UMI) plugin for Android and iOS, allows to use features of mobile native input fields
MelodySo / UnityMobileInput
Forked from mopsicus/umiUnity mobile Input plugin for iOS and Android (Unity UI compatible)
KlayGE is a cross-platform open source game engine with plugin-based architecture.
This repository provides motion datasets collected by Bandai Namco Research Inc
润学全球官方指定GITHUB,整理润学宗旨、纲领、理论和各类润之实例;解决为什么润,润去哪里,怎么润三大问题; 并成为新中国人的核心宗教,核心信念。
The C# math library used in Unity providing vector types and math functions with a shader like syntax
📽️ 在线即食的仿 YouTube Live Chat 风格的简易 Bilibili 弹幕姬
程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
A hex editor for WeChat/QQ/TIM - PC版微信/QQ/TIM防撤回补丁(我已经看到了,撤回也没用了)
Source from the Microsoft .NET Reference Source that represent a subset of the .NET Framework
.NET news, announcements, release notes, and more!
a dialect of The Monkey Programming Language
A C# parser construction toolkit with high-quality error reporting
.NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps.
A list of built in Unity Attributes.