Here are some links to Ruby resources I've used during Firehose:
DotNetPerls - Ruby examples This one has a very good article about 2D Arrays, among other things. - Ruby 2.4.1 Arrays - Ruby 2.4.1 Hashes - Ruby 2.4.1 Class
The Bastards Book of Ruby This one is older - 2011 - but some of the explanations are pretty good...
Getting Started on Heroku with Ruby
Tutorials Point: Ruby on Rails Tutorial Seems pretty comprehensive.
Better Explained: Intermediate Rails: Understanding Models, Views, and Controllers This one has some good diagrams, and it is part of series of Ruby on Rails articles.
Ruby on Rails API A very comprehensive reference for Rails API
CodeWars Training camp for algorithms
Rails Camp: Implementing Pagination in Rails with Kaminari
Rails Camp Courses The curriculum here is extensive and free, but so far these are mostly only descriptions of curriculum, as far as I can tell.
List of Rails Status Code Symbols This one is from Lesson 25 in Firehose Track 3
Bing Maps Dev Center This is for obtaining maps API keys
Brakeman Gem Rails security Scanner
How to use Amazon S3 for uploading images
Justin Weiss: How Rails Sessions Work (cookies vs cache vs database)
Google Maps Query Parameters for urls
What to Learn After Code Bootcamp
Mastering Git Video Course, by Upcase
YouTube: Introduction Series in the GitHub & Git Foundations Noise-texture png generator
Rails 4 List of Available Datatypes
Git Remote Tracking Branches - About
- Rubular A ruby-based regular expression editor - you can learn regex and test against examples
- xkcd comic: Regex Golf
- Regex Golf Training camp for nerds.
- each_with_index