Brief introduction, Ning Li 
✨ Hi, I’m Ning Li. I'm lucky to have met you. I'm working on my PhD at East China Normal University (ECNU).
😺 My research interest is software engineering, especially performance anomaly detection, diagnosis and repair. In addition, there are some other points of interest such as synchronous performance optimisation, memory performance evaluation, and microarchitecture performance analysis.
💞️ System Optimization Lab ECNU (SOLE) / Ning Li
🍀 Narration: Life always offers a second chance, it's called tomorrow. Therefore, don't give up. Luck will come.
2022 - 2023, Cloud service performance anomaly detection and optimisation.
2021 - 2022, Cloud server performance and quality assessment and evaluation.
- N. Li, J. Guo, B. Huang, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, C. Li, and W. Huang, “TCSA: Efficient Localization of Busy-Wait Synchronization Bugs for Latency-Critical Applications,” Accepted by IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 35(2) 297-309 (2024) (CCF-A) and 26th ACM SIGOPS ChinaSys Spotlight Paper.
- Y. Li, N. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Guo, B. Huang, X. Meng, and W. Huang, “Hmem: A Holistic Memory Performance Metric for Cloud Computing”. In International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimization. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore. (pp. 171-187) (2023)
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