Author: | Dylan Gonzales |
Version: | Use 1.1.4 for Django <=1.9, 2.2.1 for Django >= 1.9, Latest supported django version is 2.1 |
This project is a custom configuration of Fang Li's django-saml2-auth. It aims to leverage some of the best practices and code existing in django-saml2-auth, while allowing it to work properly for a specific application and client (not an admin user and must implement client via Azure Active Directory)
If you wish to see the original supported package please visit
This plugin is compatible with Django 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/1.10. The pysaml2 Python module is required.
This plugin is installed in the requirements.txt file as: .. code-block:: bash
xmlsec is also required by pysaml2 and is implemented in the Dockerfile: .. code-block:: bash
# RUN apt-get install -y xmlsec1
This plugin allows the developer to configure a login page for a specific client and redirect the user to a SAML2 SSO authentication service. Once the user is logged in, completes Multi-Factor Authentication, and redirected back to the web application, the plugin will check if the user is already in the system. If not, the user will be created using Django's default UserModel, and then assigned to a new Lead Creator instance within Maven for the specific organization. If the user is in the system, the user will be authenticated and redirected to their dashboard in Maven.
Import the views module in your root
import django_saml2_auth.views
Override the default login page in the root file, by adding these lines BEFORE any urlpatterns:
# These are the SAML2 related URLs. You can change "^saml2_auth/" regex to # any path you want, like "^sso_auth/", "^sso_login/", etc. (required) url(r'^saml2_auth/', include('django_saml2_auth.urls')), # The following line will create an organization specific login with SAML2 (optional) # If you want to specify the after-login-redirect-URL, use parameter "?next=/the/path/you/want" # with this view. Otherwise, implement in the settings seen later or default to the lead creator dashboard. url(r'^tch/login/$', django_saml2_auth.views.signin), # The following line will replace the admin login with SAML2 (optional) # If you want to specify the after-login-redirect-URL, use parameter "?next=/the/path/you/want" # with this view. Otherwise, implement in the settings seen later or default to the lead creator dashboard. url(r'^admin/login/$', django_saml2_auth.views.signin),
Add 'django_saml2_auth' to INSTALLED_APPS
INSTALLED_APPS = [ '...', 'django_saml2_auth', ]
In, add the SAML2 related configuration.
# To configure for other organizations or services, you can create a new SAML2_AUTH_ORG # variable and update this repositories django_saml2_auth/ to evaluate that configuration # where applicable/desired
SAML2_AUTH = { # Metadata is required, choose either remote url or local file path 'METADATA_AUTO_CONF_URL': '[The auto(dynamic) metadata configuration URL of SAML2]', 'METADATA_LOCAL_FILE_PATH': '[The metadata configuration file path]', # Optional settings below 'DEFAULT_NEXT_URL': '/rfr/dashboard', # Custom target redirect URL after the user get logged in. Must exist in metis/build_assets/js/reverse.js. This setting will be overwritten if you have parameter ?next= specificed in the login URL. 'CREATE_USER': 'TRUE', # Create a new Django user when a new user logs in. Defaults to True. 'NEW_USER_PROFILE': { 'ACTIVE_STATUS': True, # The default active status for new users 'STAFF_STATUS': True, # The staff status for new users 'SUPERUSER_STATUS': False, # The superuser status for new users }, 'ATTRIBUTES_MAP': { # Change Email/UserName/FirstName/LastName to corresponding SAML2 userprofile attributes. 'email': '', 'username': '', 'first_name': '', 'last_name': '', }, 'ASSERTION_URL': '', # Custom URL to validate incoming SAML requests against 'ENTITY_ID': '', # Populates the Issuer element in authn request 'NAME_ID_FORMAT': FormatString, # Sets the Format property of authn NameIDPolicy element 'USE_JWT': False, # Set this to True if you are running a Single Page Application (SPA) with Django Rest Framework (DRF), and are using JWT authentication to authorize client users 'FRONTEND_URL': '', # Redirect URL for the client if you are using JWT auth with DRF. See explanation below }
In your SAML2 SSO identity provider, set the Single-sign-on URL and Audience URI(SP Entity ID) to http://your-domain/saml2_auth/acs/
METADATA_AUTO_CONF_URL Auto SAML2 metadata configuration URL
METADATA_LOCAL_FILE_PATH SAML2 metadata configuration file path
CREATE_USER Determines if a new Django user should be created for new users.
NEW_USER_PROFILE Default settings for newly created users
ATTRIBUTES_MAP Mapping of Django user attributes to SAML2 user attributes
ASSERTION_URL A URL to validate incoming SAML responses against. By default, django-saml2-auth will validate the SAML response's Service Provider address against the actual HTTP request's host and scheme. If this value is set, it will validate against ASSERTION_URL instead - perfect for when django running behind a reverse proxy.
ENTITY_ID The optional entity ID string to be passed in the 'Issuer' element of authn request, if required by the IDP.
NAME_ID_FORMAT Set to the string 'None', to exclude sending the 'Format' property of the 'NameIDPolicy' element in authn requests. Default value if not specified is 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient'.
USE_JWT Set this to the boolean True if you are using Django Rest Framework with JWT authentication
FRONTEND_URL If USE_JWT is True, you should set the URL of where your frontend is located (will default to DEFAULT_NEXT_URL if you fail to do so). Once the client is authenticated through the SAML/SSO, your client is redirected to the FRONTEND_URL with the user id (uid) and JWT token (token) as query parameters. Example: '<user id>&token=<jwt token>' With these params your client can now authenticate will server resources.