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Metroquiz backend

Backed written for metroqiuz website (


URL HTTP Method Description Content (Body)
/auth/register POST Registers a user and sends email verification RegisterRequest
/auth/login POST Login with existing user (requires email verification) LoginRequest
/auth/me GET Returns the current authenticated user None
/auth/accessToken POST Gives the user a new accesstoken and refresh token AccessTokenRequest
/admin/me GET Return full information to display on admin panel(games and quesion amount AllGameResponse
/admin GET Return game description by it UUID GameAdminResponse
/admin PATCH Change game and return it description GameAdminResponse
/admin POST Create game and return it description GameAdminResponse
/admin/toggle_status POST Change game status and return new one GameStatusResponse
/stations GET Return all stations [Station.StationResponse]
/enter POST Register new participant for game and return his tmp token EnterResponse
/game/passed GET Return list of already passed stations GameInfoResponse
/game/question_get POST Mark stations as passed and return question to answer QuestionResponse
/game/question POST Check participant answer AnswerResponse
/game/results GET Return results of game [String: Int]
(Name : score)
/question GET/PATCH/ADD/DELETE Add/change/delete/get question QuesionResponse
/question/by_station GET Return all question for stations [QuesionResponse]

Auth tokens

In all routes starting admin or question requires to use bearer token of user, it can be got using /auth/accessToken request In all routes starting game requires to use temporary bearer token of participant, it can be got useing 'enter' request


Metriquiz backend uses postgresql database, it should be configured in .env file using POSTGRES_HOSTNAME, POSTGRES_USERNAME, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DATABASE varibles All models are described in /Sources/App/Models/Entities files, all their request/response representations described in /Sources/App/Models/DTO


To be aware of game state connect websocket on route /ws, after connection it will wait for participant bearer token, after authentication will be passed websocket will notify about game state changing using JSON format


For scheduled jobs metriquiz uses Redis server, it should be configured in .env file. Particularly jobs used for countdown for a question answering


Server has two commands:

  1. random -- generate random question for all stations to test server
  2. include_map JSON_MAP_FILE -- delete previous map and generate new one from json file

To convert official SVG map into our format use map_parsing/ script, it will take index.html and generate from it map.json file


Server can be deployed using docker compose, it contains postgresql db, redis and swift5 inside

Game rules and front-end

To read more metroquiz visit front-end repo


Backend for online quiz about moscow metro







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Contributors 3

