- Pro
Restaurant-Search Public
An Android app that utilises the JustEat API to allow users to search for restaurants that deliver to their postcode. Provides the option to use the devices GPS to automatically detect the postcode.
Kotlin UpdatedOct 26, 2022 -
Round-Up-App Public
An Android app that utilises the Starling Bank API to round up a users transactions in a given week, providing the option to add this amount to a savings goal.
Kotlin UpdatedOct 18, 2022 -
Simple-Cron-Parser Public
A simple cron parser Kotlin script, built using no third-party libraries.
Kotlin UpdatedAug 31, 2022 -
An Android app that implements a local transactional key-value store, built using no third-party libraries.
Kotlin UpdatedAug 2, 2022 -
User-Manager-Android-App Public
An Android app that utilises the GoRest API to display a list of users, providing the ability to add new users and remove existing ones.
Kotlin UpdatedMar 10, 2022 -
detekt Public
Forked from detekt/detektStatic code analysis for Kotlin
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 16, 2021 -
Music-Player Public
A music player app created using the MediaPlayer API.
Kotlin UpdatedSep 10, 2021 -
My-First-KMM-App Public
A basic KMM app for searching repositories on GitHub.
Kotlin UpdatedAug 7, 2021 -
flutter_built_redux Public
Forked from davidmarne/flutter_built_reduxBuilt_redux provider for Flutter.
Dart MIT License UpdatedAug 1, 2021 -
An example app that utilises the Gradle Kotlin DSL to share configuration, dependency notation, versioning, and more.
Examples that utilise the weight modifier to build flexible rows/columns.
Kotlin UpdatedJun 11, 2021 -
GMBN-Android-App Public
Jetpack (MVVM, Navigation, LiveData), Koin, Picasso, YouTube API
Kotlin UpdatedJun 19, 2020 -
An example Flutter application that demonstrates an issue with Chat App functionality and Fullscreen Android themes.
Dart UpdatedJun 13, 2020 -
flutterfire Public
Forked from firebase/flutterfireπ₯ Firebase plugins for Flutter apps
Dart BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 4, 2020 -
flutterlocation Public
Forked from Lyokone/flutterlocationA Flutter plugin to easily handle realtime location in iOS and Android. Provides settings for optimizing performance or battery.
Dart MIT License UpdatedMay 1, 2020 -
ESDAssignment Public
A Java based WebApp created by myself and 4 others for our ESD module.
MicroBit-Radio Public
This protocol first starts with a pairing sequence, to ensure the users two MicroBits only communicate with eachother. Then will proceed to take multiple Morse Code inputs from one BBC MicroBit, enβ¦
MicroBit-MorseCode Public
This basic protocol takes a Morse Code input from one BBC MicroBit, encrypts the output using a Caesar cipher, and then transports the signal across a single wire to another BBC MicroBit.
C UpdatedMar 11, 2018 -
Basic accommodation system created for UWE Bristol project
Java UpdatedMar 3, 2018 -
Palindrome-Checker Public
Simple palindrome checker in Python created for a job assessment
Python UpdatedJan 3, 2018 -