This module is designed to provide programmatic access to the various commands and functions in the Unifi controller module via powershell. The functions here are based on information from the Ubiquiti Community Wiki along with reverse engineering the controller's web UI.
install-module Unifi
To get started with using the module and connecting to the controller, you will need an administrator account on the Unifi controller. The following code will provide the necessary data and commands to setup the connection:
[String]$Hostname = '<FQDN or IP address of the controller>'
[String]$Port = '8443' # Change this to match the listening port
[String]$UnifiUsername = '<Unifi controller username>'
[String]$UnifiPassword = '<Unifi controller password>'
[String]$Controller = "https://$($hostname):$($port)"
# Enables TLS1.2 -- this is a universal method that works for any dot net version
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Enum]::ToObject([Net.SecurityProtocolType], 3072)
# Ignore self-signed certificates
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }
# Create a secure credential object
[securestring]$SecPassword=ConvertTo-SecureString $UnifiPassword -AsPlainText -Force
[pscredential]$Credentials=New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($UnifiUsername, $SecPassword)
import-module Unifi
# If connecting to a UDMPro, add '-UDMPro' to the following line.
Connect-UnifiController -ControllerURL $Controller -credentials $Credentials
Note: After the initial connection, the module will automatically refresh the connection as needed. Note: The module now supports Unifi 2FA, however, you will be prompted for 2FA any time the credentials need to be refreshed.
To end the session and disconnect from the controller:
Note: it is not necessary to disconnect from the controller specifically as the session will end on its own after a few minutes.
The command to ignore self-signed certificates will prevent successful communication with other sites. To restore normal functionality, set the value to $null. This is only needed if you want to reuse the current powershell session.
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = $null
Retrieve a list of all sites.
Retrieve a list of all products supported by the controller. (This is not functional on controller versions newer than 5.x at the moment.)
Model Type ProductName
----- ---- -----------
BZ2 uap UAP
U2HSR uap UAP-Outdoor+
U2L48 uap UAP-LR
U2Lv2 uap UAP-LRv2
U2M uap UAP-Mini
U2O uap UAP-Outdoor
U2S48 uap UAP
U2Sv2 uap UAPv2
U5O uap UAP-Outdoor5
U7E uap UAP-AC
U7Ev2 uap UAP-AC
Retrieve a list of all administrator accounts
Retrieve a list of all administrators for a specific site
Get-UnifiSiteAdmin -name <site name>
Retrieve a list of all site devices
Get-UnifiSiteDevice -name <site name>
Reboot a device
Set-UnifiSiteDevice -name <site name> -mac <device mac> -restart
Force provision a device
Set-UnifiSiteDevice -name <site name> -mac <device mac> -provision
Upgrade device firmware
Set-UnifiSiteDevice -name <site name> -mac <device mac> -upgrade
Upgrade device firmware with specific firmware
Set-UnifiSiteDevice -name <site name> -mac <device mac> -upgrade -URL <firmware URL>
Documentation for all commands have been included in the comment based help. To see all available information, please use the -full switch.
Get-Help <command> -full
List all available commands
Get-Command -module Unifi
Feel free to send pull requests or submit issues when you encounter them.
The way the site settings are stored in the controller database, the settings themselves aren't present until they are actually used. I could not determine all possible settings, just the ones that were configured in my environment. I have made a test tool to go through and evaluate all existing sites and their settings and it will list any settings that have not already been accounted for. Please run this tool on your environment and report any new settings it finds. Thanks!
This initial release covers all the functionality needed in my environment. I do have plans to eventually support the rest of the callable commands listed in the Ubiquity Community Wiki, although I have no specific ETA. If you have a specific feature request, send me a note!