Various SQL scripts for Oracle RDBMS administration that can be used in conjunction with SQL*Plus utility
Tanel Poder's Performance & Troubleshooting Tools for Oracle Databases
Scripts to run on an Oracle Enterprise Manager 12 repository
SQL scripts that help investigating performance issues
PL/SQL Analyzer is a command line utility to store the PL/SQL parse-trees in relational tables for further analysis
Untested scrappy scripts I'll probably want to run again.
The new Azure Storage data transfer utility - AzCopy v10
The "Show me password" is extension for Oracle SQL Developer or Oracle JDeveloper i.e. simple extension (tool) that decrypts all saved (encrypted) password for database connections, application ser…
Oracle Database Sample Schemas
Examples of applications and tool usage for Oracle Database
Simons Oracle Installation Scripts for Oracle 12c to automate database installation and configuration
This repo is used to contribute to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and MDOP PowerShell module documentation.