This is an example integration of the HybridMenu UI component add-on for Vaadin 8 based on Spring Boot. Now with full SpringNavigator support!
To add an item to the LeftMenu use the "buildLeftMenu(...)" method in "VaadinHybridMenuUI" class.
To add an item to the TopMenu use the "buildTopMenu(...)" method in "VaadinHybridMenuUI" class.
To add your own view, create a new class (or copy a existing one from de.vidar.example.view), add the "@SpringView" annotation (like in the example views. You can see why this is important in the Notice of this README) and you are set. To navigate to a view from one of the menus use ".withNavigateTo(YourViewClass.class)" for the LeftMenu or ".setNavigateTo(YourViewClass.class)" for the TopMenu.
Spring Boot is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.
Vaadin is built on open source and the liberal Apache 2.0 license.
HybridMenu is a UI component add-on for Vaadin 8 written by KaesDingeling. It is distributed under Apache 2.0 license. For more information see HybridMenu Github.