For Linked Linguistic Knowlege Graph, check Midorilly/STKG-LLKG
For downloading Latin BERT, check dbamman/latin-bert
├── data
| ├── embeddings <- Latin BERT target word embeddings.
| ├── fragment
| | └── target <- Latin BERT input fragments.
| └── llkg <- Knowledge graph and schema.
├── evaluation <- Clustering best hyper-parameters for evaluation.
├── pykeen <- Knowledge graph embeddings dictionaries.
├── src
| ├── clustering <- Code for clustering and downstream evaluation.
| ├── embeddings <- Code for Latin BERT embeddings.
| └── graph-embeddings <- Code for knowledge graph embeddings.
├── .gitignore
├── bert-requirements.txt
├── clustering-requirements.txt
└── graph-requirements.txt