apps-android-wikipedia Public
Forked from wikimedia/apps-android-wikipedia📱The official Wikipedia app for Android!
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 14, 2023 -
otphelper Public
Forked from jd1378/otphelperopen-source application that can copy OTP and codes from notifications automatically for you
Kotlin GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 14, 2023 -
Magisk Public
Forked from topjohnwu/MagiskThe Magic Mask for Android
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 6, 2023 -
vm-automation Public
Forked from rapid7/vm-automationCreated to simplify interactions with virtual machines
Python Other UpdatedOct 4, 2023 -
Probable-Wordlists Public
Forked from berzerk0/Probable-WordlistsVersion 2 is live! Wordlists sorted by probability originally created for password generation and testing - make sure your passwords aren't popular!
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedDec 21, 2021 -
gnirehtet Public
Forked from Genymobile/gnirehtetGnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 21, 2021 -
m-wiz Public
Forked from noob-hackers/m-wizInstall Metasploit And Repair Metasploit In Termux With Easy Steps
Shell MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2021 -
termux-api Public
Forked from termux/termux-apiTermux add-on app which exposes device functionality as API to command line programs.
onex Public
Forked from MasterScott/onexOnex is a package manager for hacker's. Onex manage more than 370+ hacking tools that can be installed on single click.
Shell MIT License UpdatedMay 13, 2021 -
WebMediaShare Public
Forked from tobykurien/WebMediaShareA fork of WebApps to allow sharing media from websites for the purpose of casting/sharing/downloading
Brutal Public
Forked from screetsec/BrutalPayload for teensy like a rubber ducky but the syntax is different. this Human interfaes device ( HID attacks ). Penetration With Teensy . Brutal is a toolkit to quickly create various payload,powe…
crunch-4tmux Public
Forked from jokercore/crunch-4tmuxCrunch es una herramienta de permutacion, el cual nos ayuda a crear diccionarios (wordlist) para ataques de fuerza bruta.
C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 15, 2017 -
aLogcatRoot Public
Forked from bart20073/aLogcatRootView color-coded, Android device (logcat) logs directly from your phone.